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Workshop: Extraordinary Groups II

TID: 3. oktober kl. 9-13

STED: TBA (København)

Why do some groups achieve amazing results while most do not? What do extraordinary teams have in common that sorts them from the rest? What can be done to create these terrific team results more often?

TID: 3. oktober kl. 9-13

STED: TBA (København)

Why do some groups achieve amazing results while most do not? What do extraordinary teams have in common that sorts them from the rest? What can be done to create these terrific team results more often?

Extraordinary Groups is an invaluable resource to achieve outstanding team results. Networking Consultants has invited Geoff Bellman to Denmark to share answers to these questions.

Targetted managers and executives, facilitators and trainers, and all others who lead or participate in groups.

Workshop: Application session – fee (incl VAT): 
Corporate/Government DKK 2850
Independent/Non-Profit DKK 1500
Private/Student DKK 750

10% discount by registration of three or more participants from the same group. 

NB! This session requires that you have attended the introductory session the day before.

If you have any questions, contact Lisbet Fich on +4523425420. 

Registration and more information on our website: http://konsulentnetvaerket.net