

Arrangør: N/A

Åbent møde om unge og demokrati i Ghana, Burma og Tunesien

TID: Onsdag d. 9. oktober kl. 16:30-18:30

STED: Studenterhuset (ovenpå)

Countries in Transition

At the event you will first of all get an update in the CURRENT SITUATION in these countries.

TID: Onsdag d. 9. oktober kl. 16:30-18:30

STED: Studenterhuset (ovenpå)

Countries in Transition

At the event you will first of all get an update in the CURRENT SITUATION in these countries.

Then, three young speakers from Ghana, Burma and Tunisia will explain the YOUTH PARTICIPATION in the revolution; to what extent and how youth took part in the transition process.

Finally, we will discuss how the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY has been involved in the processes.

Dora Mozhiah from Ghana
Kyaw Thuya “Owen” from Burma
Safa Boussada and Racha Haffar from Tunisia

It is not necessary to sign-up before-hand.

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