

Arrangør: N/A

International Konference ’Challenges in fragility and governance’

TID: Onsdag d. 23. oktober kl. 08.30-16.30

STED: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 10, 2100 København Ø.

Læs mere om konferencen her http://www.u-landsnyt.dk/nyhed/13-10-13/fakta-og-debat-om-den-vanskelige-bistand-til-skr-b eller se programmet nedenfor.


08.30-09.00: Registration and Coffee

TID: Onsdag d. 23. oktober kl. 08.30-16.30

STED: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 10, 2100 København Ø.

Læs mere om konferencen her http://www.u-landsnyt.dk/nyhed/13-10-13/fakta-og-debat-om-den-vanskelige-bistand-til-skr-b eller se programmet nedenfor.


08.30-09.00: Registration and Coffee

Part 1: What Works in Foreign Aid to Fragile Situations and Governance?

09.00-09.10: Introduction
Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Senior Researcher, DIIS

09.10-09.20: Overview of Programme and Participant Expectations
Verner Kristiansen, moderator

09.20-09.40: Presentation of Draft Position Paper on Governance and Fragility
Finn Tarp, Director, UNU-WIDER
Rachel M. Gisselquist, Research Fellow, UNU-WIDER

09.45-11.15: Parallel Sessions:

Session 1: Security and Development in Fragility
The post-Cold war era has seen a reinforcement of attempts to link security- and development-related instruments of international cooperation. Beginning in the 1990s and accelerating in the 2000s, Western donor governments have increasingly developed approaches and policies to strengthen the coordination and synergy between security, development and diplomatic efforts in the fields of peace- and state building, in particular in complex political emergencies and situations of fragility. It is now time to take stock of these efforts. What are the potentials, pitfalls, and limitations of integrating security and development?

Discussant: Charles T. Call, Senior Adviser, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, U.S. Department of State

Whole of Government Approaches
Finn Stepputat, Senior Researcher, DIIS

Multidimensional Peacekeeping
Louise Riis Andersen, Senior Analyst, DIIS

Session 2: Social Services in Fragile Situations
Fragile situations are characterized by institutional instability, which in turn undermines the predictability, transparency and accountability of service provision.
State building is the primary response of bilateral and multilateral donors, and effective service provision is regarded as crucial for states to be legitimate and stable. However, what does aid do when state-provided services are weakly delivered, and other institutions and actors such as NGOs, traditional leaders and even diasporas are the main providers of public services? ReCom studies have explored this issue and found evidence that does not always resonate with conventional wisdom.

Discussant: Claire Mcloughlin, Senior Research Fellow, International Development Department (IDD) of the School of Government and Society at The University of Birmingham

Regaining a Future? Education of Young People
Birgitte Lind Petersen, Researcher, DIIS

Diaspora Groups and Development
Nauja Kleist, Senior Researcher, DIIS

Social Protection
Jette Kjertum, PhD Candidate, DIIS

Non-state Service Providers
Peter Albrecht, Researcher, DIIS

11.15-11.30: Coffee Break

11.30-13.00: Parallel Sessions

Session 3: Growth-enhancing Governance
The Good Governance agenda supported by Western donors is clearly desirable as a long-term vision – but it is often an extremely ambitious and difficult approach to implement in developing countries. Moreover, some countries without Good Governance have experienced rapid growth and economic transformation with poverty reduction. At the same time, investments increasingly flow into megaprojects and extractive industries in many countries – often outpacing the volume of formal development aid.

A key challenge for many countries today is therefore how to design and implement effective policies to harness such investments and to promote commodity-based industrialization and economic transformation. And donors need to consider the challenges and opportunities the megaprojects and extractive industries pose for development aid and the governance agenda.

Discussant: Laurids S. Lauridsen, Professor, Roskilde University

Aid and Growth-enhancing Governance
Lars Buur, Senior Researcher, DIIS

Foreign Aid, Resource Rents and Institution-building in Mozambique and Angola
Helena Perez Nino, PhD Researcher, SOAS, University of London

Session 4: Public Administration in Fragile Situations
An efficient and effective public administration is a central concern in support to countries in fragility. In post-conflict situations there is often a need to develop embryonic state institutions to provide security and social services, but also to create effective public financial management, sound macro-economic policies, an enabling environment for the private sector and efficient tax collection. How can foreign aid support this?

ReCom studies show that pragmatism and Paris Declaration principles are important ingredients in successful development cooperation. Moreover, a focus on people and less on institutions may be relevant in the immediate aftermath of conflict.

Discussant: Derick W. Brinkerhoff, Distinguished Fellow in International Public Management, RTI International (Research Triangle Institute), Washington

Capacity Building of Central State Institutions
Birgitte Lind Petersen, Researcher, DIIS

Pragmatic Aid Management
Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Senior Researcher, DIIS

13.00-14.00: Lunch

Part 2: What Changes Need to Be Made of Foreign Aid to Fragile Situations and Governance?

14.00-14.15: Summary of the Morning (in English)
Tony Addison, Chief Economist/ Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER

14.15-16.15: Panel Debate on Implications for Scandinavian Development Cooperation (in Danish/Swedish)
Moderator: Verner Kristiansen

Panel participants:
Christian Friis Bach, Minister for Development Cooperation, Radikale Venstre
Mette Bock, Spokesperson on Development Cooperation, Liberal Alliance
Christian Juhl, Spokesperson on Development Cooperation, Enhedslisten
Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Spokesperson on Development Cooperation, Venstre
Representative of Sida (tbc)
Frans Mikael Jansen, Secretary General, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
Ellen Margrethe Løj, former UN Special Representative for Liberia (tbc)
Jessica Rothman, Project Manager, Indevelop
Finn Stepputat, Senior Researcher, DIIS

16.15-16.30: Reflections on the day
Verner Kristiansen (in Danish)

Practical Information

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use this http://en.diis.dk/home/seminars/2013/recom+results+meeting-c3-+challenges+in+fragility+and+governanceonline registration form no later than Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 12.00 noon.