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DIIS seminar: Globale økonomiske forandringer, migration og udnyttelse af arbejdskraft

TID: Torsdag d. 28. november kl. 15-17

STED: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Østbanegade 117, ground floor, 2100 København Ø.

Global Economic Change, Migration and Labour Exploitation

TID: Torsdag d. 28. november kl. 15-17

STED: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, Østbanegade 117, ground floor, 2100 København Ø.

Global Economic Change, Migration and Labour Exploitation

Since May 2013, migration research at DIIS has been anchored in a new research unit focusing on “Transformations in the Global Governance of Finance, Migration and Aid”. To further explore the links between migrations, the global economy, development and development cooperation, our new migration seminar series focus attention to research and policy discussions bridging two or more of these areas.

The persistence and resilience of forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation in the contemporary global economy have been remarkable, but these issues are only rarely integrated into debates about global production, trade and development. Their connections with patterns and dynamics of global migration are also important, but, again, under-explored.

During the first seminar, Professor Nicola Phillips develops a “global political economy” perspective on the problems of forced labour and trafficking, which seeks to draw out the links between global economic change, migration and labour exploitation.

Her presentation will explore the varied policy dynamics surrounding forced labour and trafficking, focusing on migration policies across the world, and exploring how they shape the problems of global labour exploitation and responses to them.

While forced labour and trafficking are not problems of migration per se, as much of the public debate tends to suggest, migration policies are a critical channel by which the conditions in which these forms of exploitation can flourish are created and reinforced. Nicola Phillips’ discussion will marshal empirical perspectives and examples drawn from across the world, particularly Europe, North America and Asia.


Nicola Phillips is Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield. Her research and teaching focuses on the political economy of development, with particular interests in labour standards in global production and trade, forced labour and human trafficking, and migration and development.

Her most recent books are Development (with Anthony Payne, Polity Press 2010), and, as editor, International Political Economy: Debating the Past, Present and Future (with Catherine Weaver, Routledge 2010); Migration in the Global Political Economy (International Political Economy Yearbook Series, 2011), and the Handbook of the International Political Economy of Governance (with Anthony Payne, currently in press).

Her work has also recently been published in such journals as the Review of International Political Economy, Economy and Society, Global Networks and Studies in Comparative International Development.

Until September 2013, Professor Phillips held a three-year Major Research Fellowship awarded by The Leverhulme Trust for research on forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation in the global economy. She is the Vice-chair and Chair-elect of the British International Studies Association, and was the editor-in-chief of New Political Economy between 2004 and 2010.

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form no later than Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 12.00 noon.

Registrate and read more at: http://en.diis.dk/home/seminars/2013/global+economic+change,+migration+and+labour+exploitation?fnaujn

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