

Arrangør: N/A

Hullerne i den globale successtory i kampen mod hiv/aids

TIME: Monday 2nd December at 1 pm – 3.30 pm hours (13.00-15.30)

VENE: Øksnehallen, Halmtorvet 11, Vesterbro, Copenhagen C

REGISTRATION is required, no later than November 28, to [email protected]

TIME: Monday 2nd December at 1 pm – 3.30 pm hours (13.00-15.30)

VENE: Øksnehallen, Halmtorvet 11, Vesterbro, Copenhagen C

REGISTRATION is required, no later than November 28, to [email protected]

The Millenium Development Goals (2015 Målene) are soon expiring and progress within each area is currently being assessed. Generally, the Millenium Development Goal on HIV&AIDS (MDG6) is considered to be “broadly on track”.

However, this general picture conceals “pockets” of decline in some geographical areas and certain populations where little or no progress has been achieved, and where HIV & AIDS is spreading unabated.

These areas and populations have largely been ignored, either because of difficult working conditions or stigma (social udstødelse) and criminalization which prevent effective interventions.

At this seminar, a number of presentations from people working within the HIV&AIDS field will identify the gaps and discuss the challenges, good practices and opportunities for closing the gaps.

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1.00-1.15: Welcome

1.15-1.30: Presentation by Cæcilie Bom Kahama from AIDS-Fondet about HIV/AIDS work with and by ”key populations”

1.30-1.45: Presentation by Mitt Phillips from MSF about HIV/AIDS interventions in the context of fragile states

1.45-2.00: Screening of film by MSF “See What We See”

2.00-2.15: Coffee Break

2.15-2.30: Presentation by Martin Donoghoe from WHO Europe about the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe

2.30-2.45: Presentation by researcher from Copenhagen University about the future of addressing the gaps in HIV&AIDS interventions) – To be confirmed

2.45 – 3.00: Presentation by Sanne Helt Frost from Danida about how to ensure that gaps in HIV&AIDS are addressed

3.00- 3.30: Panel debate and questions

3.30-3.35: Wrap-up and goodbye

Further information, contact:

Cæcilie Bom Kahama
International Project Officer
Tel 88 33 56 00
Dir 88 33 56 70
E-mail [email protected]
web: www.aidsfondet.dk

Photo exhibition in relation to the seminar:

To mark World AIDS Day, the photo exhibition,”Access to Life” will be on display at Øksnehallen from November 28 to January 12. In Access to Life, nine Magnum photographers portray people in ten countries around the world before and four months after they began antiretroviral treatment for AIDS.

Access to Life presents the faces, voices, and stories representing those millions of people who by now would be dead if not for access to free antiretroviral drugs–people who are living with HIV, working, caring for their children, and experiencing the joys and struggles of being alive.

But there are also the stories of those for whom treatment came too late or where tuberculosis or other diseases brought their lives to an end – showing how the fight for access to AIDS treatment is a difficult one, filled with set-backs as well as successes.

Please do visit the exhibition, which is free of charge, when attending the seminar at Øksnehallen.

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