

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Fællesskabsbaseret tilpasning til klimaforandringer

TID: Tirsdag den 3. december kl. 14-16

STED: CARE Danmark, Kathmandu Conference Room, 2. sal, Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 København S. (ved Amagerbro Metro station)


Community-based adaptation is emerging as a successful and cost-effective way to support adaptation to climate change in developing countries in participatory and sustainable ways.

TID: Tirsdag den 3. december kl. 14-16

STED: CARE Danmark, Kathmandu Conference Room, 2. sal, Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 København S. (ved Amagerbro Metro station)


Community-based adaptation is emerging as a successful and cost-effective way to support adaptation to climate change in developing countries in participatory and sustainable ways.

Community-based adaptation is not limited to the community level, but usually takes its starting point in participatory vulnerability assessments and decision-making, while also engaging decision-makers and peer agencies at all levels above the community up to the global-level climate negotiations.

Many development actors, including Danish NGO’s, researchers and Danida, are actively engaged in piloting and developing community-based development approaches. This seminar hopes to bring together some of those concerned to discuss different approaches

Key issues in the presentation:

What does community-based adaptation look like in practice and what is adaptive capacity? How can community-based adaptation be supported through civil society advocacy and policy influence? How can climate and weather information be used to strengthen local adaptive capacity?


Fiona Percy is Programme Coordinator for the Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa (ALP). Since 2010, Fiona has managed the implementation of the five-year programme through a coordination unit with expertise in different areas located in Nairobi in Kenya and four ALP country project teams in Ghana, Niger, Kenya, and Mozambique.

ALP pilots community-based adaptation approaches in practice in close to forty communities and works with government and civil society at multiple levels to enable learning among the range of adaptation programmes and to mainstream community-based adaptation and integrate such approaches in policies and plans.


The meeting will open with a showing of a community-produced video that demonstrates practical community-based adaption strategies. Fiona Percy will then make a presentation followed by time for a general discussion. If time permits, we can show more community videos.

The seminar will be held in English. Participation is free of charge. No registration is required. Coffee and tea will be served.

Read more at: http://www.care.dk/seminar-om-lokalsamfundsbaseret-klimatilpasning/