

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Skattely i Afrika

TID: Mandag den 7. april kl. 16.00-18.30

STED: CSS Copenhagen University, Center for Health and Society, Building 35 (via Gammeltoftsgade 13), room 35.01.05, København K.

TILMELDING: Ikke nødvendig.

TID: Mandag den 7. april kl. 16.00-18.30

STED: CSS Copenhagen University, Center for Health and Society, Building 35 (via Gammeltoftsgade 13), room 35.01.05, København K.

TILMELDING: Ikke nødvendig.

How do multinational companies avoid paying tax in the developing countries where they operate? What are the societal consequences of low tax revenues – and what does the average person think about all of this?

Get key insights on tax and development at this seminar organized by volunteers in the #TaxPower campaign from ActionAid Denmark /Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke.

Multinational companies use tax havens in order to avoid paying tax, and both nationally and internationally there is an increasing focus on these practices, for example in the recent case of Goldman Sachs and Dong.

This seminar focuses on the issue in developing countries in Africa where governments are missing out on significant tax revenues, partly due to the use of tax havens and partly because the same governments are giving companies extraordinary ”tax incentives”.

The seminar consists of two presentations by Danish tax experts and one presentation by two activists from the youth network of ActionAid Zambia (partner to ActionAid Denmark/Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke). There will be ample time for discussion and questions from the audience.


Ole Therkildsen, senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies. He has worked extensively with taxation issues, reform policy and state building in an African context. Ole’s presentation will focus on African political elites and their perception of tax incentives.

Hannah Brejnholt, Policy Advisor at ActionAid Denmark. Her presentation will focus on the connection between democracy and tax and explain the Zambia Sugar case.’

Charity Chizola and Machona Sakala, are activists from the youth network of actionaid Zambia. Charity and Machona will tell why they and other young people in Zambia have begun to organize and campaign for tax justice.

The seminar is free. Coffee and tea will be served.

Read more at: www.ms.dk