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Seminar: Virkningen af ​​krisen i Syrien og nabolandene

TID: Fredag den 25. april kl. 15.00-16.30

STED: Centre for Culture and Development (CKU), Nytorv 17, 1450 København K.

TILMELDING: For participation, please register on: http://Syria2014.eventbrite.com Entry is free. The event will be held in English.

The impact of the crisis in Syria and the neighbouring countries: Why the need for a development approach?

TID: Fredag den 25. april kl. 15.00-16.30

STED: Centre for Culture and Development (CKU), Nytorv 17, 1450 København K.

TILMELDING: For participation, please register on: http://Syria2014.eventbrite.com Entry is free. The event will be held in English.

The impact of the crisis in Syria and the neighbouring countries: Why the need for a development approach?

The impact of the Syrian crisis has set back achieved development gains by at least a decade. The magnitude of the conflict has led to a high cost of human life and massive population displacement both within and outside of Syria and has destroyed social, economic and political fabrics of the country.

Together, this has also had a devastating impact on neighboring countries and the sub-region at large.

There is growing recognition among concerned governments and the international community that life-saving humanitarian responses alone are not sufficient, sustainable or cost-effective.

A longer development approach is necessary to build resilience, thereby reducing the need for humanitarian assistance over time.

United Nations Development Programme UNDP designs fast development interventions that trigger early recovery, support inclusive economic growth and build resilience.

Come and hear Yasmine Sherif, Strategic Advisor, UNDP Sub-Regional Response Facility for the Syrian Crisis in Amman, brief on the current situation and on UNDP’s work and resilience-based development approach in Syria and the neighboring countries.


15:00 Welcome remarks

15:05 Presentation by Yasmine Sherif, Strategic Advisor, UNDP Sub-Regional Response Facility for the Syrian Crisis in Amman, on UNDP’s work and resilience-based development approach in Syria and the neighboring countries.

15:45 Q&A/discussion

16:30 Closing

For further information: Mette Fjalland, UNDP Nordic Office, [email protected], phone: 5183-6228