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DIIS seminar: To foredrag om den globale privatisering af sikkerhed

TID: Onsdag den 28. maj kl. 14-16

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København Ø.

TID: Onsdag den 28. maj kl. 14-16

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København Ø.

TILMELDING: Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form no later than Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 12.00 noon. Sign up: https://www.conferencemanager.dk/PrivateSecurityGlobalAssemblagesandTwilightPolicing/sign%2Dup.html

Private Security: Global Assemblages and Twilight Policing

The massive privatization of security across the globe has become one of the most controversial issues in contemporary international politics. Private security companies are increasingly performing conventional state functions. They are typically connected to transnational networks of power within a world-wide market place.

This global privatization of security governance has unleashed important questions about state sovereignty, structures of political power and authority. At stake is much more than a simple transfer of public functions to private actors. What is appearing is a rearticulation of public/private and global/local distinctions, which have implications for how authority is configured within specific localities as well as internationally.

At this seminar Professor Rita Abrahamsen, one of the leading international scholars on the privatization of security, will discuss how broader shifts in global governance have facilitated the growth in private security. Pointing to the weakness of seeing the rise of private security as an erosion of state authority, she highlights the emergence of ‘global security assemblages’. This concept captures how a range of security agents and norms interact, cooperate and compete, to produce new institutions, practices and forms of security governance.

The second speaker, Dr. Tessa Diphoorn will discuss private security from the vantage point of armed response officers in Durban, South Africa. She uses the concept of ‘Twilight Policing’ to describe how these officers perform a kind of sovereign power that results from the entanglement of public and private authority. Through everyday policing they both compete with and aid the state police in performing their job through formal as well as informal partnerships.


Rita Abrahamsen, Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr. Tessa Diphoorn, University of Amsterdam
Helene Marie Kyed, Senior Researcher, DIIS



Helene Marie Kyed, Senior Researcher, DIIS

Global Security Assemblages and reconfigurations of political power

Rita Abrahamsen, Professor, University of Ottawa

Twilight Policing: Private Security in Durban, South Africa

Dr. Tessa Diphoorn, University of Amsterdam

Open Discussion

Wine Reception

Chair: Helene Maria Kyed, Senior Researcher, DIIS

The seminar will be in English.

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