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Development dilemmas in India

TID: Mandag den 10. november kl. 16.30-19.00.
STED: Studenterhuset, Mødelokale 2, ​Nordre Ringgade 3, 8000 Aarhus C.
TILMELDING: Ikke nødvendigt.

Development dilemmas in India

The Polavaram Dam and the livelihoods of indigenous people.
– Pagano Didla, Indian philanthropist and founder of SEEDS
– Benjamin Sovacool, Professor, Aarhus University, expert on renewable energy 
– Uwe Skoda, Associate professor, South Asian Studies, Aarhus University
– Jørgen Dige Pedersen, Associate professor, Political Science, Aarhus University
India is the home of more than 100 million tribals (”scheduled tribes”), who receive very little attention from the surrounding world, because most of them inhabit hilly areas with very limited infrastructure.
Many of them live in extreme poverty, and they are furthermore vulnerable due to the increasing exploitation of natural resources through mining and dam construction.
This panel debate will focus on the huge Polavaram Dam project – a very important project for the Indian government. Before 2020, many tribal villages will be submerged and the villagers displaced due to the construction of the dam.
The dam is seen as crucial in India’s struggle to harness the power of water to develop agriculture and improve the energy supply for a booming population with an emerging middle class.
Come and learn more about energy, environment, water and the development dilemmas of India. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions from the audience.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1001495549876788/

The debate seminar is organized by Action Child Aid in collaboration with CISCA: Contemporary India Study Centre Aarhus. It has been made possible through a grant from CISUs Oplysningspulje.