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Stor konference i København om Somalia

TID: Onsdag den 19. november kl. 10.00-17.15 og torsdag den 20. november kl. 08.00-16.00

STED: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Copenhagen Towers, Ørestads Boulevard 114 – 118, Amager, Kbn.

TILMELDING: På http://www.hlpfcopenhagen.dk/registration-the-hlpf-copenhagen

TID: Onsdag den 19. november kl. 10.00-17.15 og torsdag den 20. november kl. 08.00-16.00

STED: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Copenhagen Towers, Ørestads Boulevard 114 – 118, Amager, Kbn.

TILMELDING: På http://www.hlpfcopenhagen.dk/registration-the-hlpf-copenhagen


The High Level Partnership Forum Copenhagen (HLPF Copenhagen) aims to maintain the momentum in the political transition process, with a view to fostering dialogue and reconciliation in Somalia.

It is planned within the framework of the Somali Compact and builds upon the results from the New Deal Conference on Somalia in Brussels in September 2013, and the HLPF Meeting in Mogadishu in February 2014. The HLPF Copenhagen convenes the new High Level Partnership Forum at Ministerial Level for the first time.

Building upon the current momentum on Somalia, both nationally and internationally, the HLPF Copenhagen provides the opportunity to discuss and agree on the necessary actions and steps required to achieve the Somali Compact goals by 2016.

The two-day HLPF Copenhagen will draw upon the content of the 2014 New Deal Annual Progress Report for Somalia, which will be co-authored by the Federal Government of Somalia and development partners, and presented in Copenhagen.

The HLPF Copenhagen will be chaired by Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of Somalia and co-chaired by the United Nations. Participants will comprise one Somali delegation, including Parliamentarians, selected line ministries, regional representatives, civil society, and the international community.

The FIRST day of the meeting will be dedicated to Ministerial level discussions, focusing on

* the Political vision – the implementation of Vision 2016, the democratic formation of the interim administrations and Federal States, the revision and adoption of the Constitution and the 2016 national elections; 

* Security – progress on the joint Somali National Army and AMISOM offensive and the ensuing stabilization process, together with the complex security environment for operations and programmes, and finally 

* Financial accountability, transparency and partnership – financial governance issues such as accountability and risk sharing, realization of donor funding commitments made in Brussels (2013) and stock taking of public financial management issues.

The SECOND day will feature senior official level discussions on detailed progress and plans for 2015, with a particular focus on the five Peace and State-building Goals (PSGs) of the Somali Compact.

A session to review the humanitarian situation, response and its linkages with resilience and longer term solutions will close the discussions.


At the Somalia conference in Brussels on 16 September 2013, the Federal Government of Somalia and its development partners endorsed an ambitious and ground-breaking New Deal Compact for Somalia.

The Compact is a living document which is country-led and owned. It is structured around the five Peace- and State-building Goals (PSGs). 

The New Deal outlines a contract between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Somali people. The real test of the New Deal process for Somalia, and the vision of the Compact are to build a sovereign, secure, democratic, united and federal Somalia.

Implementation of the Compact is led by Somalis, for Somalis, with the support of international partners.

The alignment and harmonization of political, security and development efforts is improving, both within the Federal Government of Somalia and its international partners.

The Compact recognizes the importance of sustained follow-up and provides for a “High Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) which will be the main platform for dialogue on Compact implementation and a central mechanism for strategic co-ordination and information sharing”.

Denmark has offered to host the first Ministerial High Level Partnership Forum in Copenhagen on 19-20 November 2014, co-chaired by the Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations. 

Programme 19. November:

Welcome Addresses


Opening speeches delivered by Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister of Denmark; Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia; and Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations.

2.    Delivering Vision 2016    (10:30-12:15) Discussion of political progress in Somalia, including the formation of federal states;

adopting a new constitution and preparing elections in 2016. Session introduced by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Mr. Martin Lidegaard.

3.    Delivering Security and Stability    (12:30-13:30) Discussion of the military offensive and stabilisation process, as well as the complex security

impact on development and humanitarian interventions. Session introduced by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Mr. Martin Lidegaard.

Break for Lunch 4.    Strengthening Financial Accountability, Transparency and Partnership (15:00-16:30)

Discussion of the financial governance process and New Deal partnerships. Session introduced by the Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation of Denmark,

Mr. Mogens Jensen. 5.    Closing session: Summary and closing speeches    (16:30-17:15)

Presentation of main conclusions by United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary- General for Somalia, Mr. Nicholas Kay.

Endorsement of Communiqué.

Closing speeches by Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia; Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations; and Mr. Mogens Jensen, Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation of Denmark.