

Arrangør: N/A

Dialogmøde med Africa-Europe Development Platform

TID: Onsdag den 26. november kl. 09.00-17.00

STED: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Hammerichsgade 1, 1611 København V

TILMELDING: Kontakt for nærmere oplysninger: [email protected] eller se: www.ae-platform.org

Enhancing Diaspora Role in Job Creation in Africa

TID: Onsdag den 26. november kl. 09.00-17.00

STED: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Hammerichsgade 1, 1611 København V

TILMELDING: Kontakt for nærmere oplysninger: [email protected] eller se: www.ae-platform.org

Enhancing Diaspora Role in Job Creation in Africa

The overall aims of the Diaspora-Development Dialogue are to:

  • Facilitate face-to-face networking between diaspora organisations    and individuals involved in African development.
  • Facilitate practical partnerships between ADDOs and international development agencies and institutionsin differentEuropeancountries.
  • Facilitate effective dialogue through discussions, debates and exchanges on African development.

Theme of the Dialogue

Single Theme: Every DDF focuses on a single theme. This enables participants to explore enough of the factors and issues related to the theme, and make practical and feasible suggestions and recommendations.

AEDP will seek to adopt, develop and integrate each DDF theme into its core and supplementary programme of work – in collaboration with partners.

Theme of DDF 1: The theme for the 1st DDF is: ‘Enhancing Diaspora Role in Job Creation in Africa’.

Sub-themes of DDF 1: Sub-themes have been chosen to facilitate exploration of ‘general mechanisms for job creation’ and ‘specific circumstances for job creation’.

The two sub-themes are:

  • ‘Diaspora Job Creation through Social and Commercial Enterprise’
  • ‘Job Creation for Peace-Building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction’.

The rationale for the choice of theme and sub-themes are as follows:

  • Dignity of Work: Job creation to enable beneficiaries to enjoy the dignity of work is one of the most worthwhile forms of development input. As an obvious and effective form of improving lives and livelihoods, it is essential that the diaspora enhances its capacity and impact in this domain of development work.
  • Self-Help Approach: The people who suffer from poverty and other forms of socio-economic exclusion and disadvantage yearn for and seek the opportunities to provide livelihoods for themselves and for their families through their own efforts and honest work. Diaspora-development work is a core and integral element of the self-help approach to international development.
  • From Subsistence to Regenerative Remittances: The diaspora has a major challenge and opportunity to progress from direct support of families through subsistence remittances, to facilitating long term community empowerment by creating and sustaining ‘decent jobs’ in Africa. Job creation ventures and activities will facilitate progression from subsistence to investment- related and regenerative remittances.
  • Sustainable and Decent Jobs: To ensure that people are assisted to pull themselves out of poverty through the dignity of work, every African country should have a distinct and clear set of indicators of what constitutes a ‘sustainable and decent job’ within their own national economic conditions and local household circumstances.
  • Consensus and Collaborations: Creation of decent and sustainable jobs is a theme that on which there is a seeming consensus amongst development stakeholder. This provides an opportunity for meaningful collaborations between ADDOs, NGOs, International Organisations, government agencies, institutions and departments.
  • Trust Building Beyond Political Differences: There are instances when suspicion, tension or even antagonism arise between diaspora organisations and governments in countries of origin or heritage. Common interest in job creation for disadvantaged beneficiaries is an opportunity for building trust between stakeholders. It also enables ADDOs to further demonstrate their developmental credentials in a practical and beneficial manner, and emphasis the fundamental nature of commitment to national development irrespective of any prevalent political differences and difficulties.

There is no separate concept note for the Diaspora-Development Dialogue. The goals, issues, and questions relating to the theme are incorporated in the programme.

Agenda for the Dialogue:

08.30 – 09.00:

Registrations, Tea & Coffee

09.00 – 09.30:

Welcome & Opening of Dialogue

This session introduces the programme of the day covering aims of the dialogue, details of the agenda and logistical matters.

Africa-Europe Development Platform (AEDP) Danish Refugee Council (DRC) African Chamber of Commerce Scandinavia (ACCS)

09.30 – 10.30:

Job Creation: Common Goal for Collaborative Action

This session sets the scene for the theme and explores how Nordic countries may improve policy and practice relating to diaspora involvement in job creation in Africa.

Director of AEDP

Summary of current the role of both diaspora (individuals and organisations) and Nordic assistance (government and NGO) in job creation in Africa

Representative from Danish Government Representative from Nordic Development Agency General views of government and development agencies on desirability of making job creation a greater development priority

AEDP Diaspora Champion

Job creation intervention as an integral part of the diaspora-development principle and practice of self-help and collaboration with partners

10:30 – 11.00:

PRESS CONFERENCE / COFFEE BREAK (The press conference will be with the panellist from scene-setting session)

11.00 – 12.30:

Workshops on Opportunities, Potentialities and Challenges

These parallel sessions discuss the specific opportunities, potentialities and challenges for ADDOs in Nordic countries to enhance their role in job creation in African countries.

Each of the two workshops will have a moderator and experts will make short presentations to start the focussed discussions on opportunities, potentialities and challenges.

Workshop 1: Diaspora Job Creation through Social and Commercial Enterprise Workshop 2: Job Creation for Peace-Building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction

12.30 – 13.30:



13.30 – 14.15:

Feedback from Workshops

Summaries from the moderator and rapporteur of the two workshops

14.15 – 15.45:

Workshops on Opportunities, Potentialities and Challenges

These parallel sessions discuss the specific means, mechanisms and frameworks through which government agencies, development agencies, business networks and other institutions can support ADDOs in Nordic countries to enhance their role in job creation in African countries.

Each of the two workshops will have a moderator and experts will make short presentations to start the focussed discussions on means, mechanisms and frameworks.

Workshop 1: Diaspora Job Creation through Social and Commercial Enterprise Workshop 2: Job Creation for Peace-Building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction

15.45 – 16.15:


16.15 – 16.45:

Feedback from Workshops

Summaries from the moderator and rapporteur of the two workshops

16.45 – 17.30:

Communiqué on Enhancing Role of Diaspora in Job Creation in Africa

This session highlights the key points of common purpose, priority action points as a communiqué of the Diaspora Development Forum and the basis for a Memorandum of Understanding and emergent policy framework for collaboration on job creation between diaspora, government and mainstream agencies and institution in Nordic countries.

Director of AEDP Representative from Government Representative from Development Agency


17.30 – 18.30:


18.30 – 20.30:


At the dialogue dinner, the final draft of the communiqué will be presented and a guest speaker will give a short address about how networking opportunities and options can be structured to facilitated enhanced effectiveness of ADDOs and closer collaboration with mainstream partners.
