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Yemens medier – mellem uafhængighed og tilskyndelse

TID: Tirsdag den 2. december kl. 14.30-16.00

STED: International Media Support, Nørregade 18, 1165 København K

TILMELDING: Senest den 28. november på: [email protected]

Yemeni media in transition – between independence and incitement

TID: Tirsdag den 2. december kl. 14.30-16.00

STED: International Media Support, Nørregade 18, 1165 København K

TILMELDING: Senest den 28. november på: [email protected]

Yemeni media in transition – between independence and incitement

Yemen’s independent journalists have long subject to restrictions, detention, threats and violent attacks.

In recent years, the media have also played a negative role in the country’s internal conflicts, inciting violence and exacerbating differences and disputes.

At the same time, other more independent parts of the media are blossoming and seem intent on strengthening the moderate voices in the country. 

What’s going on and where is the media heading in post-revolution Yemen?

Representing two different generations and speaking with on the ground experience, Jamila Ali Raja, founder and manager of Consult-Yemen and Sara Al-Zawqari, journalist and radio manager, will address questions on media development in Yemen and on which role the older and younger generations play in advocating for independent media.

Sara Al-Zawqari:

Sara Al-Zawqari is the Radio Manager of Yemen Times Radio.

She holds a Master’s degree in International Journalism from the University of Westminster and has previously worked as producer and presenter of a daily entertainment radio show called Shahy Haleeb focusing on important social issues.

She writes a weekly column in Yemen Times and works on an investigative journalism film about construction workers’ rights.

Jamila Ali Raja:

Jamila Ali Raja is one of Yemen’s true female pioneers who has managed to make a strong impression in the political arena both locally and internationally.

She has a Master’s in media from the American University in Cairo and has been a diplomat for over 15 years.

She held the position of Advisor to the Foreign Ministry since the creation of Yemen’s coalition government, but resigned in protest over the killing of protestors in March 2011.