

Arrangør: N/A

DIIS-seminar: Beskyttelse og sikkerhed hinsides staten

TID: Mandag den 15. december kl. 12.45-15.15

STED: DIIS Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø

TILMELDING: Senest den 12. december kl. 12.00 på https://conferencemanager.events/ProtectionandinSecuritybeyondtheState/sign-up.html

TID: Mandag den 15. december kl. 12.45-15.15

STED: DIIS Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø

TILMELDING: Senest den 12. december kl. 12.00 på https://conferencemanager.events/ProtectionandinSecuritybeyondtheState/sign-up.html

Deltagelse er gratis. Seminaret foregår på engelsk.

Protection and (in)Security beyond the State – Insights from Eastern Africa and Sahel

The international donor community devotes vast resources to the capacity-building of the security institutions of African states.

Yet, in many African states monopoly on the legitimate use of force is profoundly challenged, while also complemented by non-state security actors such as vigilante groups, militias, faith-based organizations, ethno-regional separatists, private security contractors, and traditional and clan-based authorities.

Non-state security actors are deeply involved in the daily practices of security and political order-making.

Thereby, national forms of citizenship associated with the state coexist with a plethora of sub-national and transnational forms of citizenship, security practices and rules, which often enjoy more popular support than those associated with the state.

Hence, in areas where state security forces are seen as illegitimate, or are absent, local security actors provide real-life alternatives for ordinary citizens to acquire protection and security.

However, as they compete for resources, they also become sources of insecurity.

In this seminar the participants will discuss the ambiguous roles of non-state security actors in local security dynamics in four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Niger and Mali.

The seminar also examines the key reasons behind the proliferation of local security actors and arrangements, looks into the variety and nature of actors driving security and insecurity beyond the state, and, finally, provides insights into the means by which security is provided.


  • Tobias Hagmann, Associate Professor, Roskilde University
  • Eric Komlavi Hahonou, Associate Professor, Roskilde University
  • Lotte Pelckmans, Postdoctoral Researcher, Leiden University
  • Helene Maria Kyed, Senior Researcher, DIIS
  • Louise Wiuff Moe, Researcher, DIIS
  • Kasper Hoffman, PhD Candidate, DIIS




Arrival and Coffee



Helene Maria Kyed, Senior Researcher, DIIS


Security Provision in the Context of Continuous Conflict and Militarization in Eastern DR Congo

Kasper Hoffman, PhD Candidate, DIIS


Security in Somaliland: Between Decentered Stabilization and External Intervention

Louise Wiuff Moe, Researcher, DIIS


Open Debate

Tobias Hagmann, Associate Professor, Roskilde University


Regional Conflict, State Abandonment, and the Rise of Non-State Security Providers in Niger

Eric Komlavi Hahonou, Associate Professor, Roskilde University


Marginalisation, Intra-ethnic Fragmentation and Contested (in)Security in Mali

Lotte Pelckmans, Postdoctoral Researcher, Leiden University


Open Debate

Tobias Hagmann, Associate Professor, Roskilde University

Practical information

The seminar will be in English.