

Arrangør: N/A

Film og diskussion om fossile brændsler og en folkelig klimabevægelse

TID: Tirsdag d. 16. december, kl. 17 til 19

STED: Makværket, Teglværksvej 30, Knabstrup (stationsby ca. 10 km sydvest for Holbæk)

Alle er velkomne.

Recently there was formed a local group of Internationalt Forum in Vestsjælland. We want to make different activities touching themes related to the struggles for environmental and social justice.

TID: Tirsdag d. 16. december, kl. 17 til 19

STED: Makværket, Teglværksvej 30, Knabstrup (stationsby ca. 10 km sydvest for Holbæk)

Alle er velkomne.

Recently there was formed a local group of Internationalt Forum in Vestsjælland. We want to make different activities touching themes related to the struggles for environmental and social justice.

By making different activities we want to encourage people in the area to be more aware of the world we are living in. We also believe that the first step is, to get to know each other and get informed.

To begin with we would like to show a documentary about fossil fuels and climate change.

The documentary is called DO THE MATH

The environmental activist Bill McKibben is trying to explain why the fossil fuel industry is killing us! Can we do anything against it and if yes, what can we think about or what can we even do?

After watching the documentary, we would like to talk a bit together about what we have just seen and what feelings it creates in us.

The documentary will start at 17:00 (45 min. long) so we thought about an approximately end at 19:00.

We will serve coffee and tea. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Arrangør: Internationalt Forum

Internationalt Forum is a solidarity organization. We are fighting for a world where the globe’s resources are shared equally and where the right for autonomy and diversity are in centre.

We want a world without imperialism and war, where neither multinational corporations nor USA and EU rule on behalf of the rest of the world’s population.

The global agenda is currently decided in non democratic ways, through international institutions such as G8, World Bank Group and WTO. Their politics concentrate wealth among less and less people while billions of people live in poverty and misery.

International solidarity between populations is vital in the struggle for a better world. Internationalt Forum supports people’s right to fight for freedom and resist against oppressors. E.g. landless farmers in Brazil, rebels in the mountains of Colombia, political activists in Palestine, native women in Chiapas, homosexuals in Iran and asylum seekers in Europe. 

Marie / landssekretær i Internationalt Forum – https://www.internationaltforum.dk

