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Er der barrierer tilbage for kvinder i politik?

Are There Any Barriers Left for Women in Politics? Gender and Representation in Contemporary Politics

TIME: Tuesday, 13 January at 13.00 – 15.30 hours

VENUE: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø

The seminar will be in English.

Are There Any Barriers Left for Women in Politics? Gender and Representation in Contemporary Politics

TIME: Tuesday, 13 January at 13.00 – 15.30 hours

VENUE: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø

The seminar will be in English.

PARTICIPATION is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use our online registration form on https://conferencemanager.events/AreThereAnyBarriersLeftforWomeninPolitics/sign-up.html

And do so no later than Monday, 12 January 2015 at 12.00 noon.

2015 marks the 100 year anniversary of women’s right to vote in Denmark, achieved in 1915. Women’s suffrage (valgret) was secured in the U.S. five years later. From intruders in a male dominated public sphere, women are now an undisputed part of political life in most countries in the world.

This seminar addresses questions on the status of gender and representation in politics today.

Are female candidates for elected office treated differently than male candidates in the press and by the public, raising obstacles for women’s path to electoral office? Or are factors such as partisanship, ideology, and incumbency more significant than candidate sex for media and public assessments?

Moreover, the seminar will discuss different models for increasing women’s political representation.

While the gradual increase in women’s political representation in Denmark now show signs of stagnation, many post-conflict countries have achieved a rapid increase in women’s representation in elected assemblies, for instance by use of electoral gender quotas – a highly contested measure in Denmark.

This seminar presents two of the leading experts on gender and politics in the U.S. and in Scandinavia, to consider the pressing questions about gender and representation in a contemporary American, Scandinavian, and comparative context.


Jennifer L. Lawless, Professor, American University, Washington DC

Drude Dahlerup, Professor, University of Stockholm

Robin May Schott, Senior Researcher, DIIS


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