

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Hvordan kommer vi længere ud med u-landsforskningen?

Public seminar: Research uptake – do our communication habits stand in our way? & DDRN 10th General Assembly
Tid: Onsdag d. 28. januar, kl. 15.30 til 17.30

STED: Lokale S0.23, Copenhagen Business School, Porcelænshaven 18B, 2000 Frederiksberg

Public seminar: Research uptake – do our communication habits stand in our way? & DDRN 10th General Assembly
Tid: Onsdag d. 28. januar, kl. 15.30 til 17.30

STED: Lokale S0.23, Copenhagen Business School, Porcelænshaven 18B, 2000 Frederiksberg

There is free entrance to both the public seminar and general assembly, but due to room reservation, registration is required.

Please register via e-mail to: Lucy Gregersen, email: [email protected]

The public seminar will take place from: 15:45-16:30

Biologist and plant pathologist turned communicator, Nick Quist Nathaniels, lists communication habits – including his own – that have probably contributed to poor research uptake.

Becoming more aware of these habits and of useful communication concepts and practical tools, and applying them in a development process, has shown potential to improve our engagement with the public and with decision makers.

This can generate greater interest and participation in research and use of results. Examples are given, including the value of visual methods such as participatory video.

A planning template is presented for integrating communication actions throughout a piece of research. The presentation also draws on recent work by DFID on research communication.

The DDRN 10th General Assembly will take place from 16:30 – 17:00.

For more information on the event please follow the link: http://ddrn.dk/ddrn_activities-ddrn-10th-general-assembly.html

About the 10th Annual General Assembly of DDRN 

Members are encouraged to stand for election to the new working DDRN board. To stand for election for the board or for more information please write to [email protected]

Please find the agenda for the GA at the general link above

Please take note of the following deadlines:

7 January, 2015: Proposals for the agenda to be discussed at the GA.

27 January, 2015: Registration for participation in the General Assembly to DDRN’s student assistant on ([email protected]).

Kindly note that the General Assembly will be preceded at 15:45-16:30 pm by the presentation.

Please note that DDRN is not able to refund members’ travels for participating in the GA.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Lucy Gregersen & Sofie Hvid Rasmussen

Danish Development Research Network

E-mail: [email protected]