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Konference: At forstå kinesisk undervisning udfra en lærers perspektiv

Understanding Chinese education: A teacher’s perspective  – Conference for educators in Denmark

TIME: Thursday12th of March, from 10 to 18 hours 

VENUE: Københavns Åbne Gymnasium, Sjælør Boulevard 133, 2500 Valby Coph.

DEADLINE for registration for the conference is Friday 20th of February 

Fill in the registration form at

Understanding Chinese education: A teacher’s perspective  – Conference for educators in Denmark

TIME: Thursday12th of March, from 10 to 18 hours 

VENUE: Københavns Åbne Gymnasium, Sjælør Boulevard 133, 2500 Valby Coph.

DEADLINE for registration for the conference is Friday 20th of February 

Fill in the registration form at


PRICE: Price: 2000 DKK per person (1500 DKK per person from schools with more than one participant). Students: 600 DKK per person.

Convenors: Crossing Borders and Københavns Åbne Gymnasium.

We need to know more about China’s education and school system 

In order to strengthen cooperation and exchange between Chinese and Danish schools, more detailed knowledge about China’s education and school system is needed. 

China is aiming at educating young people who are productive and highly technically advanced.

Investment in the education sector is perceived as necessary by a plethora of stakeholders in order to ensure an ongoing development of a fast-growing country that represents roughly 20 percent of the world’s population.

In this respect, Shanghai’s terrific results in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) imply a high quality of teaching methods in maths, science and reading.

At the same time, however, China struggles with challenges such as urban-rural disparities and educational pressure among Chinese students.

The conference programme comprises keynote speeches of experts regarding Chinese education as well as a panel debate in the morning and workshops in the afternoon.

This will provide you with in depth-knowledge and insight about the education system and teaching practices in China. You will also have a unique opportunity for networking and strengthening educational exchange between Danish and Chinese schools and teachers.


See more at


Further questions:

Send an email to Mette Munk-Jensen:

[email protected]