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Hvordan benytter vi den nye informationsteknologi i forsvaret af menneskerettigheder?

Access to and dissemination of information is a key for civil society to hold governments, the private sector, and other actors accountable for their actions and to enable public participation for all. BUT…. 

TIME: Wednesday 15th April at 14.30 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DCA), “Frokoststuen”, Nørregade 15, 1165 Copenhagen K

Access to and dissemination of information is a key for civil society to hold governments, the private sector, and other actors accountable for their actions and to enable public participation for all. BUT…. 

TIME: Wednesday 15th April at 14.30 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DCA), “Frokoststuen”, Nørregade 15, 1165 Copenhagen K

REGISTRATION (not needed for LIVEstreaming): https://dca.adobeconnect.com/ictforhumanrights/event/event_info.html


The event will be transmitted live and video recorded for a global audience.

In many countries media censorship and government control effectively limit groups from using regular media channels to present their messages. 

Civil society actors are thus increasingly drawing on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and social media to mobilize citizen action and to bring live coverage of human rights abuses, court cases, and demonstrations.

DanChurchAid has invited some of our partners using ICT technologies to share and discuss their experiences of using ICT as an innovative tool for human rights advocacy.

The use of mobile and video technology has the potential of reaching out to some of the remotest areas, linking social actors and activists in rural areas to national and even international fora and decision makers.

Through many years DCA’s partner from Cambodia, LICADHO, has been at the forefront of the efforts to protect civil, political, and social rights, as an advocate for the Cambodian people and a monitor of the government.

B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, will speak about their efforts to document human rights violations by Israel on Palestinians using video and social media to spread the message.

At the meeting, representatives from both organizations will share their experiences and show examples of their work in this field.

At the debate meeting the participants will discuss some of the following issues:

* How is the use of ICT facilitating links from the local to global?  How effective has it been in this regard?

* What type of ICT do the organizations use, and what are the constraints of using ICT in a local setting?

* What challenges have been encountered in terms of verification of information, security of information, protection of human rights defenders, ethical considerations etc. and how they being addressed?

* What legal and policy barriers are organizations using ICT facing? Is space for civil society shrinking in this regard as well? What techniques are being used to protect this “new” space?

* What negative human rights impacts can the use of ICT have on victims and defenders, and how are these dealt with?

NB NB: At the time of the event, you will also be able to follow the debate via LIVE streaming on this link: https://dca.adobeconnect.com/ictforhumanrights/event/event_info.html


14.20. Registration

14.30. Introduction by Mads Klæstrup Christensen, Head of Communication from DanChurchAid 

14.35. Presentation of LICADHO’s work 

14.50. Questions 

15.00. Presentation of B’Tselem’s work 

15.15. Questions 

15.25. Short coffee break

15.30. Panel debate 

* Naly Pilorge, Director of LICADHO
* B’Tselem representative
* Maria Brink Schleimann, Head of Communications at the International Dalit Solidarity Network
* Danish expert on the use of social media (to be announced)

16.30. Plenary discussion 

16.50. Closing the debate 

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, Senior Advocacy Advisor

E-mail: [email protected] – tlf. 33 15 28 00 og mobil 40 75 40 90