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Opportunities and challenges in eco- certification processes” – around small scale farming in developing countries 

TIME: Thursday 28th May at 16.30-18.30 hours

VENUE: Auditorium A2-70.03, KU Science, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C.

CONVENOR: Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA)

Opportunities and challenges in eco- certification processes” – around small scale farming in developing countries 

TIME: Thursday 28th May at 16.30-18.30 hours

VENUE: Auditorium A2-70.03, KU Science, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C.

CONVENOR: Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA)

ADDA is inviting researchers, professionals, students and anyone interested to a talk about eco-certification of small-scale farmers in developing countries and the challenges and opportunities that arise during the process.

Organic production has been highlighted as a major opportunity for developing countries because of its potential of increasing profits because of the price premium, its environmental impacts as well as its potential to contribute to technology transfers and modernisation of the agricultural sector.

The talks will be a combination of a general, theoretical perspective and a practical perspective with concrete experiences from ADDA’s partner countries.

The speakers will be:

* Helge Brunse. Former Chief Adviser for Danida in Thailand and India and Country Coordinator for ADDA in Cambodia. Helge will introduce ADDA and tell about how ADDA’s work has started and evolved.

* Paul Rye Kledal. Director and Analytic Consultant at Institute of Global Food and Farming. Paul will tell about the inclusion of farmers in organic production and the problems that has to be dealt with depending on which food system they will be certified to, e.g. export, domestic market or a more alternative farmers’ market.

* Mikael Jonsson. Country Manager ADDA Tanzania.Mikael will present ADDA Tanzania’s current project on eco-certification of Tanzanian small-scale farmers in a partnership with NADO and an Indian investor for international export.

* John Wihallah. Chairman of Njombe Agricultural Development Organisation (NADO), ADDA’s partner in Tanzania.John will give practical hands-on examples of the challenges NADO has met in the eco-certification process amongst their farmers in Njombe district, Tanzania.

For questions please write [email protected]