

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Danske firmaer og menneskerettigheder i Asien

Arrangementet holdes i samarbejde med Deloitte og Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab.

TID: Onsdag d. 27 maj kl. 9.45 – 12.30

STED: Asia House, Indiakaj 16 (Den gamle Frihavn), Østerbro, København

Tilmelding: Frederikke Bøgh Thomsen på e-mail: [email protected] 

Arrangementet holdes i samarbejde med Deloitte og Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab.

TID: Onsdag d. 27 maj kl. 9.45 – 12.30

STED: Asia House, Indiakaj 16 (Den gamle Frihavn), Østerbro, København

Tilmelding: Frederikke Bøgh Thomsen på e-mail: [email protected] 

CAFACA har over det seneste år virket som aktør på de internationale markeder for carbon offsets. Senest er man optaget på EU kommissionens Climate-KIC program for mest lovende iværksættervirksomheder med et klimafokus.

På seminaret fortælles om et overvågnings- og rapporteringssystem, hvorefter CAFACA kan følge og måle Social Impact i lokalområder i Cambodja på en bedre måde end hidtil. Metoden kan understøtte dansk erhvervslivs arbejde med menneskerettigheder og vurdering af de sociale indvirkninger (Social Impact Assesments), hedder det.

Cambodian Farmland Carbon (CAFACA) is a Danish socio-economic company based on more than 30 years of experience from working with human rights and social impact assessments in emerging markets, particularly in Asia.

CAFACA’s business model is embedded in a methodical and structured framework, which is developed by the company itself, enabling CAFACA to work with local areas in emerging markets and document as well as monitor the commercial and social impacts the company is part of.

En dagsorden med momentum

With the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the issue of human rights has gained momentum on the agenda in Danish companies.

A new Nordic study from Deloitte shows that human rights have largely reached the desks of the top management– especially in companies with international activities and supply chains. 

As part of the launch of the study Deloitte and CAFACA are inviting to a seminar focusing on the experiences, challenges and opportunities of working with human rights in the Danish business community.

The results of the study will be presented at the seminar and discussed with a particular focus on risks related to human rights in an Asian context, where CAFACA will present their methodical framework for monitoring and documentation of environmental and social impacts locally in emerging markets. 

Deloitte and CAFACA are also happy to welcome the new CEO of The Danish Foreign Policy Society, Charlotte Flindt Pedersen. She will open the seminar, and give her perspective on why Human Rights matter to the Danish business society in 2015. 


09.45 Arrival and coffee 
10.00 Welcome 
by Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, CEO, The Danish Foreign Policy Society 
10.10 Presentation of Deloitte’s ’Nordic Human Rights Study 2015’ 
by Thomas Trier Hansen, Senior adviser, and Riikka Poukka, Manager, 
Deloitte Sustainability 
10.45 Q&A 
10.55 Break 
11.10 Presentation of CAFACA’s framework of analysis for local areas in emerging markets, 
by Steffen Johnsen, CEO, CAFACA 
11.40 Q&A 
11.55 Closing remarks 
12-12.30 Networking and snacks 

Yderligere oplysninger hos: 

Torben Krab
Tlf. 22 42 32 98  

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