

Arrangør: N/A

Ny forskning fremlægges om sukkersyge i fem storbyer

Arrangementet er for indbudte.

TID: Mandag d. 16. nov. kl. 09.00 til 16.30 og tirsdag d. 17. nov. kl. 09.00 til 14.00

STED: Lokomotivværkstedet, Bygning OBV037, Otto Busses Vej 5A, København SV

Mere om International Cities Changing Diabetes Summit på


Arrangementet er for indbudte.

TID: Mandag d. 16. nov. kl. 09.00 til 16.30 og tirsdag d. 17. nov. kl. 09.00 til 14.00

STED: Lokomotivværkstedet, Bygning OBV037, Otto Busses Vej 5A, København SV

Mere om International Cities Changing Diabetes Summit på


The pioneering new research has mapped the urban diabetes challenge in Mexico City, Shanghai, Tianjin, Copenhagen and Houston and has been led by University College London. 

The findings has identified factors never before linked with the spread of diabetes and challenges the current thinking around treatment of diabetes in urban settings.

Besides presenting the findings additional measures to tackle the urban diabetes challenge will be announced.

The full programme include keynote speeches from mayor’s and health mayor’s from the participating cities, Lars Rebien, CEO Novo Nordisk, David Napier, Professor UCL, global urbanization experts and local academic partners, among other.

The full agenda for the Cities Changing Diabetes summit can be found here


About Cities Changing Diabetes

Cities Changing Diabetes is a first-of-its-kind partnership for cross-disciplinary, cross-sector collaboration and consists of University College London, Steno Diabetes Center, and Novo Nordisk, a global leader in diabetes care.

The programme is structured to understand the driving factors behind the rise of diabetes in urban areas, and to share that knowledge and apply it to real-world solutions.

As such, it is built upon three interconnected elements: 1) mapping the urban diabetes challenge, 2) share the findings and 3) identify scalable actions applicable to the big cities of the world in their fight against urban diabetes

About the research

* The research has analysed both qualitative and quantitative data
* Five cities, cross three continents have been part of the study (Mexico City, Shanghai, Tianjin, Copenhagen and Houston)
* Detailed quantitative research involving eg more than 2500 people in Mexico City has been conducted
* More than 550 individual interviews of approximately two hours length – equal to more than 1100 hours or 46 days – have been conducted, recorded and transcribed word-by-word

For more information on the Cities Changing Diabetes initiative and summit, please visit www.citieschangingdiabetes.com eller


Yderligere oplysninger også hos:

Indtil tirsdag d. 10 november Katrine Sperling, head of Media relations at Novo Nordisk, at 30 79 67 18 

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