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Hvordan bistår vi bedst Syd-Syd samarbejdet?

The Role of External Actors in Supporting South-South and Triangular Cooperation 

TID: Tirsdag d. 8 december, kl. 10.00 til 13.00

STED: UN City, Marmorvej 51, den gamle Frihavn, Østerbro, København 

Nærmeste S-station Nordhavn. Husk at medbringe foto-ID ved indgang til FN Byen 

The Role of External Actors in Supporting South-South and Triangular Cooperation 

TID: Tirsdag d. 8 december, kl. 10.00 til 13.00

STED: UN City, Marmorvej 51, den gamle Frihavn, Østerbro, København 

Nærmeste S-station Nordhavn. Husk at medbringe foto-ID ved indgang til FN Byen 

Gratis adgang (entry is free). The event will be conducted in English. 

For participation, please register on:


Vi ved mere og må handle derefter

Several developments have contributed to placing South-South Cooperation front and centre of the development assistance agenda both within research and policy circles. 

We now have several decades of increasingly intense and systematic South-South cooperation to look back at and a better, though far from perfect, documentation of lessons learned.

This expanded empirical base allows policy-makers and academics alike to analyse the aggregated experiences to develop policy and conduct research. 

Finally, the Sustainable Development Goals (dagsorden 2030) adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 highlight South-South cooperation and learning as an important assistance modality. 

The research and evidence-focused seminar invites decision-makers and practitioners in donor capitals, within the multilateral system, academia and in the NGO community to a dialogue on the role of external actors in supporting south-south and triangular cooperation.

The seminar is part of a broader series of initiatives hosted by Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) respectively, aimed at directing attention towards, and trigger discussion around support to the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals. 


10:00 Welcome by Camilla Bruckner, Director, UNDP Nordic Office 

10:05 The promises and challenges of South-South and triangular cooperation – the case of South Sudan by Kristoffer Nilaus Tarp, researcher, DIIS 

10:35 South-South and triangular cooperation from recipient country perspectives by James Tipo Akol, Director-General, Ministry of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development, South Sudan (tbc) 

10:50 Donor policy and behaviour in triangular cooperation partnerships by Hans Inge Corneliussen, Senior advisor at NORAD, Department for Development Strategy and Governance 

11:05 Q&A 

11:30 Coffee Break 

11:45 The role of South-South and triangular cooperation in achieving the new Sustainable Development Goals by Jorge Chediek, Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation 

12:00 Denmark’s experience and future potential engagement in triangular cooperation by Birgitte Nygaard Markussen, Head of Africa Department, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

12:15 Panel debate chaired by Nanna Hvidt, Director of DIIS 

12:55 Wrap up and conclusions 

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Stine Junge, UNDP Nordic Office, tlf. 21 44 89 18 eller

Kristoffer Nilaus Tarp, DIIS, tlf. 42 52 40 09 

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