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Hvad med NGOernes råderum – nu også i Europa…

Findes der en tendens til “shrinking space” for civilsamfundet – og hvad er i så fald årsagerne, konsekvenserne og mulighederne for at gå nye veje?

Findes der en tendens til “shrinking space” for civilsamfundet – og hvad er i så fald årsagerne, konsekvenserne og mulighederne for at gå nye veje?

Udenlandske gæster tager udgangspunkt i eksempler på nedskæringer i udviklingsbistand og ændret lovgivning i forskellige lande og vil se nærmere på Holland som case. Fokus vil være på nye åbninger, muligheder, potentielle strategier og måder at generobre “space” på forskellige områder.

TID: Onsdag d. 16 december, kl 15.00 til 18.00 

STED: Globalt Fokus, mødelokale “Undergrunden”, Rysensteengade 3 (tværgade til H.C. Andersens Boulevard), København K.



Reclaiming space for civil society: “Shrinking space” tendencies – now in Europe? – on funding cuts, change in legislation and how to respond 

The program will bring in examples across countries on consequences of funding cuts and change in legislations. The Netherlands will serve as a case. 

The idea is to include discussions on new openings and opportunities, strategies and ways of reclaiming “space” in different areas. 

• Is there is a tendency of “shrinking space” for civil society– and if so, in which areas in particular? 
• If so, why is this the case? Is it a response to a positive trend of a civil society growing stronger? 
• And if space is shrinking in some areas – is space being opened up simultaneously in other areas? 


* Welcome by Berit Asmussen, head of Secretariat, Global Focus 

• “Shrinking space for civil society – now in Europe? Various tendencies on change in legislation, funding cuts and beyond” by Laura Sullivan, Action Aid Regional Director for Europe and the Americas and vice-chair of Concord Europe. Followed by questions and comments. 

• “The Netherlands as a case” by Koos de Bruijn, advocacy manager, PARTOS, the national platform of development CSOs in the Netherlands. Followed by questions and comments. 

• Panel and plenary discussions: “Reclaiming space for civil society”: Where do we go from here? How do we act? Which space is there for political and other influence?” With; Laura Sullivan, Koos de Bruijn, Louise Hindenburg (Dialogos and chair of CISU) 

• Gløgg and cookies 

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Andreas Dybkjær Andersson, e-mail: [email protected] 

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