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FN-rapport om arbejde og udvikling: Hvad mener den private sektor?

Private Sector Roundtable on Human Development Report (HDR) 2015 – Work for Human Development 

TID: Mandag d. 14 december, kl. 13.00 til 14.40

STED: FN Byen, Marmorvej 51 (i den gamle frihavn), Østerbro, København

Husk foto-ID ved indgang til FN Byen 

TILMELDING på https://roundtablehdr2015.eventbrite.com

Private Sector Roundtable on Human Development Report (HDR) 2015 – Work for Human Development 

TID: Mandag d. 14 december, kl. 13.00 til 14.40

STED: FN Byen, Marmorvej 51 (i den gamle frihavn), Østerbro, København

Husk foto-ID ved indgang til FN Byen 

TILMELDING på https://roundtablehdr2015.eventbrite.com

The event will be conducted in English

The launch of the Human Development Report 2015 will take place in UN City also on Monday 14 December from 10:00 – 11:00.

Om årets rapport

This year’s Human Development Report titled “Work for Human Development” looks at the interaction between work and human development.

Apart from the economic gains, work also contributes to the feeling of dignity, strengthens solidarity and helps to build new skills and competences.

However, work is not a guarantee for human development. Forced labour, unequal and poor working conditions can have a negative impact on human development and sustainability. 

The report calls on countries to consider new realities of workers around the world due to globalisation and the digital revolution.

The report argues that work is intrinsic to human development and that it contributes not only to the richness of economies but also to the richness of human lives.

Enhancing human development through work requires specific policy interventions – and unless action is taken, people, societies and economies will not fully benefit. 

Examples of unsustainable conditions related to work and wealth are plentiful: 

* Vulnerable employment accounts for almost 80 percent of work in countries with low levels of human development 

* Only 27 percent of the world’s population is covered by comprehensive social protection measures 

* Inequality of wealth and income is increasing. The richest one percent is projected to own more than 50 percent of global wealth by next year 

Work should contribute to sustainability in order to foster opportunities both for present and future generations.

Most of the world’s poor are engaged in farming, fisheries and forestry.

This sector is not only responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, but is also particularly susceptible to disruptions caused by climate change. 

Even though women carry out the major share of global work, they face disadvantages, both in terms of paid and unpaid work.

Globally, women earn 24 percent less than men, and men’s share of paid work is nearly twice that of women. At the same time, women perform three times more unpaid work (domestic and voluntary) than men. 

The Human Development Report is a UNDP flagship report. This year it celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Since its first publication in 1990, the report has advocated for the concept of human development, which looks beyond economic growth and also at the expansion of people’s opportunities and choices as an indicator of development. 

1:00 pm Welcome by Ms. Camilla Bruckner, Director UNDP Nordic Representation Office (NRO). 
1:05 pm Mr. Michael O’Neill, ASG & Director of the Bureau for External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP. Findings from the HDR 2015: Work for Human Development. 
1:15 pm Mr. Thomas Bustrup, Deputy Director General at Confederation of Danish Industries. Reflections on Work for Human Development. 
1:25 pm Mr. Arne Grevsen, Vice President, Danish Confederation of Trade Unions. Reflections on Work for Human Development 
1:35 pm Mr. Claus Theilmann, Vice President, Group CSR Pandora. Pandora’s engagement with its craftspeople – ensuring proper working conditions and developing jobs in Thailand. 
1:45 pm Ms. Lotte Hjortlund Andersen, Head of CSR and Job Development at ISS. ISS’s strong focus on inclusion and diversity and the business case in being socially responsible. 
1:55 pm Mr. Christoffer Quist Weesgaard, Head of CSR at Coloplast. Coloplast making energy reductions a natural part of the business by assigning ownership to employees at local level. 
2:05 pm Q&A 
2:40 pm Closure by Ms. Stine Kirstein Junge, UNDP NRO and Ms. Sara Krüger Falk, CSR Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry. 

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