Bedre vejrudsigter skal støtte bønderne i Mozambique

Thomas Jazrawi

Det kan være vanskeligt at være bonde, hvis man ikke har et overblik over vind og vejr i den nærmeste fremtid. 

Et nyt projekt skal levere vejrudsigter og advarsler om voldsomt vejr til småbønder i Mozambique. 

Projektet er støttet af den Nordiske Udviklingsfond og Verdensbanken, som samarbejder med Mozambiques meteorologiske institut (INAN). 

Det britiske svar på DMI, The Met Office, og Norges Met er også med i samarbejdet. 

Det skriver websitet Climate Action. 

Her er citater om initiativet fra nogle af hovedaktørerne: 

Aage Jorgensen, Program Manager at NDF, commented: “The Nordic Development Fund is happy to see a world-class technical assistance team in place to work long-term with INAM. This will strengthen its institution and organization to become more efficient and effective in providing reliable meteorological data and cooperating with other institutions in Mozambique to produce early warning and climate data collection. This is well in line with other NDF support to initiatives across Africa to help the generation and use of climate information for climate-resilient development.”

Dave Britton, Met Office Head of International Development, said: “For nations like Mozambique, which are heavily reliant on agriculture, improving weather forecasting and increasing the understanding of climate change impacts are vital. We will draw on our collective global experience in partnering with National Meteorological & Hydrological Services (NMHSs), government institutions and development agencies, and look forward to working closely with INAM.”