Bolivia: Etnisk kludetæppe af nye ministre – indianer udenrigsminister


Bolivian President Evo Morales has named his cabinet, with ministers from a range of different interest groups, BBC Online reports Tuesday.

On his first full day of work, he appointed 16 ministers, among them four women, farmers, business leaders, miners and indigenous representatives.

One of the key appointments was that of energy analyst and journalist Andres Soliz Rada as hydrocarbons minister. Mr Morales has vowed to “recover” the countrys natural resources by renationalising them.

The appointment of Mr Soliz Rada could signal a tough fight for the multinational gas and oil companies operating in Bolivia. But Mr Morales choices appear to have been welcomed by many elements of Bolivian society.

The Bolivian leader acknowledged that expectations of his new government were very high. – I want to ask you personally that this government have zero corruption, zero bureaucracy, Mr Morales said.

The new Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, is like the president, an Aymara Indian. The Mining Minister, Walter Villarroel, comes from a mining co-operative and wore his hard hat at the ceremony, BBC adds.