FN: Islamisk Stat tramper på international lov og ret

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Laurits Holdt

FN dokumenterer, at Islamisk Stat bryder stort set alle regler og normer for behandling af civile og opførsel i en væbnet konflikt. Der er sandsynligvis tale om krigsforbrydelser, forbrydelser mod menneskeheden og muligvis folkemord hedder det.

BAGHDAD, 23 February 2015 (UN Iraq): A UN report released Monday documents widespread human rights violations of an increasingly sectarian nature in Iraq, as well as a deterioration of the rule of law in large parts of the country.

The report, produced jointly by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, covers the period from 11 September to 10 December 2014.

Drab på civile, bortførelser, voldtægter, slaveri, trafficking…

It documents serious violations of international humanitarian law and gross abuses of human rights perpetrated over a three month period by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), with an apparent systematic and widespread character.

These include killings of civilians, abductions, rapes, slavery and trafficking of women and children, forced recruitment of children, destruction of places of religious or cultural significance, looting and the denial of fundamental freedoms, among others.

“Members of Iraq’s diverse ethnic and religious communities, including Turkmen, Shabaks, Christians, Yezidi, Sabaeans, Kaka’e, Faili Kurds, Arab Shi’a, and others have been intentionally and systematically targeted by ISIL and associated armed groups and subjected to gross human rights abuses, in what appears as a deliberate policy aimed at destroying, suppressing or expelling these communities permanently from areas under their control,” the report says.

The report also details the murder of captured members of Iraqi security forces and of people suspected of being associated with the Government by ISIL. Individuals suspected of being disloyal to ISIL, including religious, community and tribal leaders, journalists, doctors as well as female community and political leaders have been particularly targeted.

During the reporting period, at least 165 executions were carried out following sentences by so called “courts” in ISIL-controlled areas. 

“Many of the violations and abuses perpetrated by ISIL may amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly genocide,” the report notes.

Regeringsstyrker og dets allierede begår også forbrydelser

The report also details violations of international humanitarian and international human rights law reportedly committed by the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and affiliated armed groups during the same period, including failures to abide by the principles of distinction and proportionality in the conduct of military operations.

“Armed groups claiming to be affiliated to or supporting the Government also perpetrated targeted killings, including of captured fighters from ISIL and its associated armed groups, abductions of civilians, and other abuses,” the report says.

Militias and other armed groups – some of which appear to be operating outside of Government control according to reports – are active in several governorates, particularly in Diyala and Salah-al-Din. Allegations of human rights abuses by these militias have been received, including summary executions and abductions, according to the report.

1.000 dræbt hver måned

At least 11,602 civilians have been killed and 21,766 wounded from the beginning of January until 10 December 2014. Between 1 June and 10 December 2014, when the conflict spread from Anbar to other areas of Iraq, at least 7, 801 civilians were killed and 12,451 wounded.

“ISIL’s goal remains to destroy the Iraqi state and society by fermenting violence and division,” said Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq Nickolay Mladenov, noting that the figures provided should be regarded as absolute minimums, given the limitations on UNAMI/OHCHR capacity to verify reports of civilian casualties and allegations of human rights abuses.

“Iraqi leaders need to move immediately and implement the Government’s agenda of national unity and reconciliation in order to put an end to the heinous crimes committed by ISIL, and ensure that all armed groups are under state control,” Mr. Mladenov added.

Uvist hvor mange, der er døde af mangel på mad, vand og medicin

The report also notes that the number of civilians who have died from the secondary effects of violence, including the lack of access to food, water or medical care, remains unknown.

Large numbers remained trapped or displaced in areas under the control of ISIL during the reporting period, with limited access to humanitarian assistance.

Children, pregnant women, persons with disabilities and elderly people proved particularly vulnerable in these difficult circumstances. 

“I continue to be deeply shocked by the gross human rights violations committed by ISIL and associated armed groups. The targeting of civilians based on their faith or ethnicity is utterly despicable and we must not spare any effort to ensure accountability for these crimes,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, who once again called on Iraq to join the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court or to accept the exercise of its jurisdiction with respect to the current situation facing the country.

Download rapporten “Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in Iraq: 11. September – 10 December 2014” (PDF, 40 sider).