Frankrig bliver første toneangivende land der tilslutter sig ny klimaaftale

Thomas Jazrawi

Det var i byernes by, Paris, at man vedtog den nye globale klimaaftale, navngivet efter arnestedet. 

Nu bliver Frankrig det første medlem af G7 og G20, der officielt ratificerer aftalen. Nationen bliver det andet EU-land, der tilslutter sig, da Ungarn allerede gennemførte processen i maj. 

Det skriver en række internationale medier.

Frankrigs tiltrædelse sker dog ikke helt, før EU som helhed har tilsluttet sig aftalen, da medlemslandene agerer gennem unionen i forbindelse med FN’s klimaproces. 

Climate Action skriver: 

France’s senate ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change on Wednesday after a unanimous vote.

The ruling is subject to President Francois Hollande’s seal of approval, which is expected within two weeks, and France is set to become the first G7 and G20 member to approve the agreement.

Her er en række kommentarer fra civilsamfundet om Frankrigs tilslutning:

Liz Gallagher, Senior Associate, E3G:

"France is determined to stave off the worst impacts of global climate change, such as the extreme flooding it suffered last week. As the first industrialised nation to ratify the historic climate change agreement forged in Paris, France is cementing its legacy as an international climate leader. Now it’s time for other big emitters to follow suit and give the Paris agreement the full force of international law."

Alden Meyer, Director of Strategy and Policy, Union of Concerned Scientists:

"Today's action by France will send a powerful signal to other European Union countries that they should join with the U.S., China, and others to ensure that the Paris Agreement takes effect this year.  With the impacts of climate change ever more evident, it's essential that countries move ahead on implementing — and strengthening — the historic agreement reached by leaders last December in Paris."

Mohamed Adow, Senior Climate Change Advisor, Christian Aid:

“It’s great to see France leading from the front on the ratification of the Paris Agreement.  As the first big developed country to ratify, this marks the starting gun for the others to follow suit. They now need to put diplomatic pressure on the other EU countries to ratify quickly and support vulnerable countries as they join in the race to low-carbon future."

“Early entry into force of the Paris Agreement is needed to ensure the world’s confidence in the long-term transition taking place across the world.”

Srinivas Krishnaswamy, CEO, Vasudha Foundation:

"It is great news that France is the first of the G7 and G20 countries to ratify the Paris Agreement.  This move should hopefully trigger and motivate other countries within the G 7 and G20 to ratify the Paris Agreement soon, and well before the next climate meeting in Morocco."