”Det er som murens fald, blot 1000 gange større!”
Det skriver en eritreaner på Twitter om den fredsaftale, der er indgået mellem Etiopien og Eritrea. Grænsen er genåbnet. Telefonerne gløder allerede mellem de to hovedstæder. Der er spontan glæde i begge lande, som har levet i en ”no war no peace”-situation siden krigen mellem dem i 1998-2000.
Aftalen har fem punkter:
Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship between Eritrea and Ethiopia
Conscious that the peoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea share close bonds of geography, history, culture, language and religion as well as fundamental common interests;
Recognizing that over the past decades, they were denied the opportunity to build a bright future for their peoples on the basis of their common heritage;
Determined to close this very costly chapter, which also had a detrimental role in the Horn of Africa, and to make up for lost opportunities and create even bigger golden opportunities for their peoples;
The governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea have reached the following joint agreement which reflects the desires and aspirations of their peoples:
1. The state of war between Ethiopia and Eritrea has come to an end. A new era of peace and friendship has been opened.
2. The two governments will endeavor to forge intimate political, economic, social, cultural and security cooperation that serves and advances the vital interests of their peoples;
3. Transport, trade and communications links between the two countries will resume; diplomatic ties and activities will restart;
4. The decision on the boundary between the two countries will be implemented.
5. Both countries will jointly endeavor to ensure regional peace, development and cooperation.
Both governments express their gratitude to all friends of Eritrea and Ethiopia and call on them to redouble their solidarity and support.
Aftalen betyder, at dagsordenerne i de to lande nu bliver helt anderledes. Midt i glæden, er det værd at fremhæve – hvilket ikke gør glæden mindre:
Det er en aftale som er indgået mellem to selvstændige afrikanske lande.
Den er frivillig – ikke påtvunget eller ’faciliteret’ af ’det internationale samfund’, hverken FN, IGAD, Den Afrikanske Union (AU), EU eller Trump.
Der har været fest i Asmara og Addis Abeba de seneste dage. En anden twitter-tekst lyder sådan: ”Asmara er ligesom efter folkeafstemningen i 1993”. Det var den folkeafstemning, som gav Eritrea sin selvstændighed efter 30 års befrielseskamp.
Se masse af billeder og læs mere på: http://www.madote.com/ og https://twitter.com/hawelti