Ghanas nye præsident bliver spidskandidat ved december-valg

Forfatter billede

Den gamle danske besiddelse “Guldkysten” i Vestafrika, som gennem årene har fået så megen dansk bistand og nu sætter sin lid til store oliefund, betragtes som demokratisk stabilt i en ellers urolig del af verden.

Ghana’s ruling National Democratic Congress party (NDC) has chosen President John Mahama as their candidate for presidential elections in December, BBC online reports Thursday.

According to Ghana’s Joy FM radio station, President Mahama won more than 99 per cent of votes cast at the NDC Congress, which is being held in the city of Kumasi.

Mr Mahama (53) took over as head of state last month after the death in office of President John Atta Mills. He first became an NDC MP in 1996

Atta Mills, who suffered from throat cancer, had governed since 2009 and was set to be the NDC flagbearer again.

Ghana has been praised for the swift manner in which it handled the transition after his death and the Western african nation is regarded as a relatively mature democracy although it is known for its divisive politics.

Mr Mahama, who served as Atta Mills’ deputy, will face Nana Akufo-Addo from the the New Patriotic Party, who lost the run-off poll in December 2008 by a margin of less than 0,5 per cent of votes.

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