I dag kom volden til Cairo

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Flere hundrede er sårede i Cairo, efter at tilhængere af Mubarak er gået til modangreb mod de modstandere, der de seneste dage har demonstreret fredeligt, skriver den arabiske nyhedstjeneste Al Jazeera onsdag.

Protesters from both sides threw stones at each other in Tahrir Square, the epicentre of ongoing opposition demonstrations against President Hosni Mubarak for the past nine days.

Al Jazeera correspondents, reporting from the scene, said that more than 500 people have been injured in Wednesday’s clashes that are continuing to rage.

Earlier, witnesses said the military allowed thousands of pro-Mubarak supporters, armed with sticks and knives, to enter the square. Opposition groups said Mubarak had sent in thugs to suppress anti-government protests.

Witnesses also said that pro-Mubarak supporters were dragging away protesters they had managed to grab and handing them over to security forces.