Tid: 08/12/2023 09:30 til 08/12/2023 10:15

Sted: Virtuelt

Arrangør: Access2innovation

A2i Talk: Navigating Corporate Cultures: Contrasts between Nordic and East/Southern African Companies

We will delve into the often contrasting leadership styles prevalent in Danish/Nordic corporate cultures, compared to those of Southern and Eastern African markets. We will talk about communication norms commonly observed in each of the respective corporate settings, as well as innovation and adaptability and team dynamics as enablers of success.

This presentation will be done by:

Florence Charamba Christensen, CEO & Founder of Afrika Consultancy

Mutinta Maria Hamukoma D’Oliviera-Pio, Strategic Partner of Afrika Consultancy, and Managing Partner of Co-WIB, Zambia and Rwanda.

Read more on our website.

Access2innovation er den danske platform for innovative, bæredygtige, kommercielle løsninger til de afrikanske vækstmarkeder. Siden 2007 har platformen resulteret i over 85 partnerskaber mellem virksomheder, NGO’er, investorer, vidensinstitutioner og myndigheder ved at tilbyde netværk, finansiering og ekspertise i innovation og forretningsudvikling i Danmark og Afrika.