Tid: 22/02/2024 15:00 til 22/02/2024 17:00

Sted: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A 2100 København Ø, auditorium

Arrangør: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier with the Nordic Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and The Nordic African Institute (NAI)

Climate security: rethinking African-European partnerships amid crises

Join us for an open discussion on how to rethink climate, peace and security efforts with African partners

Sign up: https://www.diis.dk/en/node/26877/


The impact of climate change on both regional and international peace, security and development is increasingly evident. Consequently climate-security informs both the United Nations and regional organisations including the EU, the African Union and the African regional economic communities.

However, while new organisational collaboration on the climate-security nexus is emerging, there are diverging perspectives as well as capability gaps that challenge effective collaboration on the agenda.

Broader political tensions between African and European actors as well as geopolitical strife emphasise the need for reconsidering partnerships in the field. This agenda is pertinent for Denmark, which currently runs for a seat in the United Nations Security Council and is working on a new partnership-based Africa plan.

Against this backdrop the seminar brings in leading international experts in the field climate, peace, and security. The seminar maps organisational climate-security strategies, highlights potentials for enhanced international collaboration and invites for an open discussion covering these key themes.

Cedric de Coning is a Research Professor in the Research group on peace, conflict and development at NUPI. He has 30 years of experience in research, policy advise, training and education in the areas of conflict resolution, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peace and conflict studies.

Katongo Seyuba is a Research Assistant in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme. His research focuses on climate-related security risks and policy actors’ responses, particularly in the context of Africa.

Louise Wiuff Moe Moe is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University. Her work covers the field of Global Studies, with a specific emphasis on security, peace, and conflict. Her recent research examines the interconnections between climate change, security, and development.

Thor Olav Iversen is a Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI). Iversen is working on the impact of climate change on conflict and security through the Climate-related Peace and Security Risks-project.

Jakob Dreyer is a project leader and researcher at the University of Copenhagen analysing climate security with a focus on European-African relations.

Angela Muvumba Sellström is a Senior Researcher at Nordic-African Institute. Sellström works on international interventions and mediation; gender, women, peace and security; and the UN Security Council and the role of non-permanent members.

15.00-15.15 Introduction – Denmark and the politics of climate security partnerships, Jakob Dreyer
15.15-15.30 Climate, peace and security at the United Nations and African Union: Similarities and differences, Cedric de Coning
15.30-15.45 Climate security and youth: Understanding impact and shaping responses, Katongo Seyuba
15.45-16.00 Advancing the climate, peace, and security agenda in the Horn of Africa, Louise Wiuff Moe
16.00-16.15 Trailblazers in a warming world? The agency of African actors in climate, peace and security, Thor Olav Iversen
16.15-16.30 Discussant, Angela Muvumba Sellström
16.30-17.00 Q&A

Practical information
The seminar will be held in English. Participation is free of charge but registration is required via our registration form https://www.diis.dk/en/node/26877/.
Livestreaming on this page does not require registration. The livestreaming will appear on the page just before the seminar starts.

Photo copyright: © Marie Barse via Open AI ChatGPT Dall E