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Debat: Hvorfor globale sundshedsinitiativer mislykkes – en social kritik

TID: Mandag den 12. maj kl. 14-16

STED: Red Barnets kantine, Rosenørns Allé 12, København V.

TILMELDING: Please register to Ida Marie Boas [email protected] / 50880520 no later than 8th of May.

Why Global Health initiatives fail – a social critique – Or why people constantly exceed the projections of experts

TID: Mandag den 12. maj kl. 14-16

STED: Red Barnets kantine, Rosenørns Allé 12, København V.

TILMELDING: Please register to Ida Marie Boas [email protected] / 50880520 no later than 8th of May.

Why Global Health initiatives fail – a social critique – Or why people constantly exceed the projections of experts

The Network for Health and Development invites you to a debate on the book
“When people come first” (2013) edited by João Biehl and Adriana Petryna

The debate will concentrate on:

– Understanding the key points discussed in the book and how they are useful for people working with projects in the field of global health.

Presentation will contain:

– What gets lost when ‘project people’ focus on the delivery of health technologies and other magic bullets rather than on the mundane concerns and problems of ‘people on the ground’?
– Is ‘the projectification of care’ following global health priorities putting primary public health under pressure?
– How can we become better at working with people/project beneficiaries as more than ‘patients’ or ‘clients’ but rather as positioned social actors?

Overall, the discussion will be relevant for people working in the field of global health interventions. The debate will focus on the main challenges and sometimes tensions between funding opportunities and modalities compared to people’s own priorities and problems– how we experience them in our project work, and how we can learn from them and tackle them better.

Read more about the book here: http://whenpeoplecomefirst.com/