

Arrangør: N/A

Debat: Kønsforhold i Egypten før og efter 2011

TID: Onsdag d. 27. november kl. 17.00-18.30

STED: KVINFO’s bibliotek, Christians Brygge 3, 1219 København K

TID: Onsdag d. 27. november kl. 17.00-18.30

STED: KVINFO’s bibliotek, Christians Brygge 3, 1219 København K

Meet Professor Dr. Thomas Eich, Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg. Since 2011 cases of public sexual violence in Egypt have received increasing media attention. Examples are cases of rape of female demonstrators on Tahrir square and so called virginity tests by the police.

It is less widely known that wide ranging public debates about gender relations in Egypt pre-date Mubarak’s downfall. These debates were linked exactly to the same issues of sexual violence and conceptions of virginity.

The talk will analyze these debates before and after 2011. It will be argued that attempts of “othering” are a central characteristic of these discussions. However, the ways this “othering” is achieved have changed.

CNIO, Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University i cooperation with KVINFO

Registration is neccesary.

Link to more info and registration: http://forside.kvinfo.dk/om-kvinfo/arrangementer/Gender%20Relations%20in%20Egypt