

Arrangør: N/A

Debatarrangement: Israel og Palæstina – en umulig fred?

TID: Mandag den 15. september kl. 18-20

STED: Chr. Hansen auditoriet (bygning 34), Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K.

TILMELDING: Ikke nødvendig, men meld dig gerne til på Facebook.

On July 8 2014 Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip became engaged in a prolonged, armed conflict once again. The intense fighting during the summer has caused a high number of civilian casualties and injured people as well as massive destruction of infrastructure on the Palestinian side. At the same time loss of life, fear and uncertainty has also taken its toll on Israeli society.

International Debat are inviting to this semester’s first debate focusing on this protracted conflict between Israel and Palestine.

International Debat wish to shed light on the recent outburst of fighting with the view from both parties as well as create a debate on the possibilities for peace, including the role of the international society in pushing for this.

Steen Nørskov, who is host on the radio programme ‘Arabiske Stemmer’ (Arabic Voices) and former correspondent in the Middle East for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), will moderate the debate.

The panel will give perspectives from a strong panel consisting off:

  • Baruk Binah, Israel’s Ambassador to Denmark.
  • Amro Alhourani, Head of the Palestinian Mission to Denmark (to be finally confirmed).
  • Mette Gjerskov (S), MP and head of the Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee.
  • Leila Stockmarr, Ph.D. student at Roskilde University (RUC) specialising in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Arrangementet er støttet af CA a-kasse. Læs mere om mulighederne for studiemedlemsskab.