

Arrangør: N/A

Debatmøde: Vi kan bekæmpe ustabilitet og terror ved at tackle korruption

There is a high correlation (samspil) between terrorism, instability and corruption. Countries like Afghanistan, Ukraine and Nigeria are clear examples of this.

There is a high correlation (samspil) between terrorism, instability and corruption. Countries like Afghanistan, Ukraine and Nigeria are clear examples of this.

The widespread corruption in the Iraqi army has given room for IS (Islamisk Stat). (Terrorbevægelsen) Boko Haram’s success in Nigeria can be partly attributed to an army that is riddled with corruption.

TIME: Tuesday 17th March at 17 to 20 hours (five til eight pm)

VENUE: CBS (Copenhagen Business School), Howitzvej 60, Frederiksberg

Read more and order tickets here: 


Transparency International Denmark marks our 20th anniversary and annual general assembly by inviting you to an afternoon where two experienced speakers will lead us in to a very timely discussion about corruption, instability and terrorism.

We have invited researcher and director Mark Pyman, who leads TI’s global work on security and defence, who will give us his insights from ten years of experience in relation to terrorism, instability and corruption.

We have also invited Colonel Flemming Agerskov, the former chief of ISAF’s anti-corruption organisation in Afghanistan, and now head of Denmark’s Southern Command, who will talk about his experience of the connection between corruption and security.

After the debate, we invite you for a snack and a glass of wine, and at 7.00 pm we continue with our Annual General Meeting.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Natascha Linn Felix, næstformand 
Transparency International Danmark 


e-mail: [email protected]

mobil: 40 35 37 61