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DIIS-seminar: Behov for at indarbejde menneskerettigheder i klima-tilpasningerne?

TID: Torsdag den 11. december kl. 13 til 16

STED: DIIS Auditorium, Gammel Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø.

TID: Torsdag den 11. december kl. 13 til 16

STED: DIIS Auditorium, Gammel Kalkbrænderi Vej 51 A (ved Nordhavn S-station), Kbn Ø.

TILMELDING: Senest den 10. december kl. 12 på: https://conferencemanager.events/HumanRightsBasedApproachestoClimateChangeAWayforwardinClimateChangeAdaptation/sign-up.html

Seminaret holdes på engelsk.

Human Rights Based Approaches to Climate Change – A Way forward in Climate Change Adaptation?

Do people in developing countries have a right to be protected from the impacts of climate change? And if so, what does this imply regarding the role of civil society?

This is the overall topic for a DIIS seminar that will discuss how civil society organizations are working to apply commitments to human rights principles in climate change efforts.

This includes efforts to ensure that states shoulder their responsibilities to reduce risks and enable people in their efforts to adapt to and protect themselves from the impacts of climate change.

But what does such a human rights-based approach entail in practice, and what is the potential for applying it in the real-world settings of developing countries, where governments may have other priorities and where civil society is not as free as it would like to be?

The seminar will present and discuss:

The findings from a DIIS study in Cambodia and Kenya, with a focus on how civil society organizations are developing human rights-based approaches to climate change.

Experiences and reflections from CARE and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ActionAid on the application of rights based approaches in climate change adaptation


  • Ian Christoplos, Senior Researcher, DIIS
  • Kirsten Hjørnholm Sørensen, Policy Advisor, ActionAid Denmark
  • Mikkel Funder, Senior Researcher, DIIS




Ian Christoplos, Senior Researcher, DIIS


Practical Experiences with Rights Issues in Climate Change Adaptation,

CARE Denmark


Cambodia Case Study of Human Rights Based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation

Ian Christoplos, Senior Researcher, DIIS


Coffee Break


Kenya Case Study of Human Rights Based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation

Mikkel Funder, Senior Researcher, DIIS


Discussant on DIIS Case Studies

Kirsten Hjørnholm Sørensen, Policy Advisor, ActionAid Denmark


Panel and Plenary Discussion


The seminar will be in English.