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DIIS seminar: Den politiske økonomi ved fred og konflikt i Sydsudan

TID: Fredag d. 20. september kl. 9-12

STED: DIIS, Store Auditorium, Østbanegade 117, stuen, 2100 København, Østerbro.

This open seminar focuses on the political economy of peace and conflict in South Sudan.

South Sudan can be regarded, we claim, as a laboratory and fertile ground for liberal interventionism, state-building and peace-keeping that merits further academic scrutiny.

TID: Fredag d. 20. september kl. 9-12

STED: DIIS, Store Auditorium, Østbanegade 117, stuen, 2100 København, Østerbro.

This open seminar focuses on the political economy of peace and conflict in South Sudan.

South Sudan can be regarded, we claim, as a laboratory and fertile ground for liberal interventionism, state-building and peace-keeping that merits further academic scrutiny.

The seminar explores the continuities and discontinuities that characterize a (post-) conflict environment.

Certain aspects of pre-war configurations persist throughout armed conflict, others changed drastically. Furthermore it explores the rationalities of governing (in) security, violence and everyday forms of practice and local agency in South Sudan.

The seminar is part of the Defence and Security Studies at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required and no later than Thursday, 19 September 2013 at 12.00 noon.

Sign up and read more about the event here: http://en.diis.dk/home/seminars/2013/0920+south+sudan+seminar