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DIIS seminar: Et adskilt Amerika?

TID: Fredag den 29. august kl. 10.00-11-30

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København Ø.

TILMELDING: Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form no later than Thursday, 28 August 2014 at 12.00 noon. Sign up

A Divided America? The Midterm Elections and the Obama Administration

America is polarized and divided, with the Republican and Democratic parties far apart ideologically.  And government is divided with President Obama and Democrats controlling the presidency and the Senate and Republicans controlling the House of Representatives. 

How will the coming November midterm elections affect the current state of politics?

At this joint DIIS and US Embassy seminar, Dr. John Fortier from the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington DC, will address central questions of what is expected to be a crucial election: Will there be opportunities for the parties to work together in the final two years of the Obama administration or will divisions continue? 

How will the elections affect foreign and domestic policy? How will the Republicans and Democrats deal with divisions within their parties and will traditional Republicans and Tea Party followers be able to work together?

And finally: What does this all mean for the next presidential election in 2016? The seminar will provide ample time for questions and debate.


John C. Fortier joined the Bipartisan Policy Center, where he is director of the Democracy Project, in 2011. He has been a regular columnist for The Hill and Politico and is a frequent commentator on elections and government institutions and has appeared on ABC’s Nightline, CNN, Fox News, PBS’s News Hour, CBS News, NBC’s Today Show, C-SPAN, NPR, Bloomberg, and BBC.

The seminar will be in English.

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