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DIIS seminar: FN og Mellemøstens politik – sagen om Irak

TID: Torsdag den 6. november kl. 10.00-11.30

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København Ø.

TILMELDING: Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form no later than Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 12.00 noon.

UN and Middle East Policy: The Case of Iraq

Since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 the State has been the scene of international invasions and diplomacy. Sanctions were imposed on Iraq by the United Nations four days after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990. They were lifted two months after the US led coalition of the willing had invaded Iraq on 19 March 2003.

The war was legitimized in the claim of Iraq in possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, in cooperation between Iraq and al-Qaeda and in the claim, that Iraq was a severe treat to world peace. The aim was to create a stable and democratic Iraq, but it did not succeed.

How can the role of the UN be seen in this story and how can we understand the current situation in Iraq in light of the history from 1990?


Hans von Sponeck is former UN Assistant Secretary General & UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Baghdad (1998-2000). Honorary Doctorate, University of Marburg (2010). Assignments with United Nations / UNDP 1968-2000). Teaching at Centre for Conflict Research, University of Marburg and Centre for Near and Middle East Studies, UN System Staff College, Torino (2005-present). Published in German and international journals. 

The seminar will be in English and live streamed on www.diis.dk

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