Tid: 29/11/2016 16:30 til 29/11/2016 18:00

Sted: Alexandersalen, Københavns Universitet, Bispetorvet 1-3, København K

Arrangør: N/A

FNs rolle som fredsbevarer – fremtidsperspektiver


To register, please send an email to [email protected]

Deadline for registration is Thursday November 24th, 2016


The world is facing major threats to global peace. Ongoing violent conflicts create insecurity, massive human rights violations, and refugee flows that influence the conditions for peace locally, regionally and globally.

At the same time challenges such as inequality, climate change, and radicalization influence the possibility for people around the world to live  in peace and security – and if unaddressed these challenges spark new violent conflicts.

In view of these challenges, the relevance and effectiveness of existing UN mechanisms for promoting sustainable peace are being reassessed. ‘High-level debates’ on human rights and peacebuilding have been held at the UN HQ with the aim of exploring options for improving the existing mechanisms.

Other reform agendas include the review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture, the Human Rights Up Front Initiative of the UN Secretary-General, and the High Level Commission on Security, Justice & Governance.

Ambassador Gambari will share his insights into the current reform processes, the opportunities and challenges at global, regional and country level, and possible ways forward for the UN in promoting sustainable peace. 

Ibrahim Gambari has held several high-level positions in the UN and as a representative for his home country Nigeria. His last assignment at the United Nations was as the Head of the UN and AU Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), Sudan from January 2010 to July 2012.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Jacob Didia Jensen, Research Assistant

Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC)

Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Direct phone 35 32 43 40, Room 25.0.4
