

Arrangør: N/A

Foredrag: Bæredygtige partnerskaber for global fødevaresikkerhed

TID: Tirsdag d. 29. oktober kl. 08.30–10.00

STED: Thorvaldensvej 40, building 2-84, basement, auditorium: A2-84. – 11

Please register before 24 October to the Secretariat for Development Collaboration: development(at)adm.ku.dk

Lecture: Sustainable partnerships for global food security

TID: Tirsdag d. 29. oktober kl. 08.30–10.00

STED: Thorvaldensvej 40, building 2-84, basement, auditorium: A2-84. – 11

Please register before 24 October to the Secretariat for Development Collaboration: development(at)adm.ku.dk

Lecture: Sustainable partnerships for global food security

University of Copenhagen is pleased to invite you to a lecture with the Director General of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Ruben Echeverría. Ruben Echeverría will be discussing “Sustainable partnerships for global food security”.

As humanity faces developmental challenges as never before – produce 60% more food with less water and land, changing climate and inadequate global public agriculture and environmental research funding- the presentation will focus on the need to strengthen global partnerships to tackle such research for development challenges.

Moderator will be Niels Elers Koch, chair for the UCPH Working Group for Development. The seminar is organised by the UCPH Working Group for Development and the Sustainability Science Centre at the University of Copenhagen.

Read more: http://sustainability.ku.dk/sustainability-lectures/echeverria/

Further information:

Cecilia Schubert
CGIAR Research Program
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
CCAFS Coordinating Unit
University of Copenhagen
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Rolighedsvej 21. DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

PHONE: +46708661383
E-MAIL: [email protected]
