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Foredrag: Boat People

TID: Mandag d. 25. november kl. 10.00-12.30

STED: Roskilde Universitet (RUC), Building 25, lokale 25.2 (EDB-lokale), Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde.

The lecture by Emmanuelle Bouilly will address gender dynamics in both migration processes and collective actions against it. In 2006, more than 30.000 sub-Saharans tried to reach Spain by boat.

TID: Mandag d. 25. november kl. 10.00-12.30

STED: Roskilde Universitet (RUC), Building 25, lokale 25.2 (EDB-lokale), Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde.

The lecture by Emmanuelle Bouilly will address gender dynamics in both migration processes and collective actions against it. In 2006, more than 30.000 sub-Saharans tried to reach Spain by boat.

In the suburbs of Dakar, 350 mothers mobilized against their sons’ emigration, though some had earlier encouraged and financed this activity.

Her research aims to show (1) how do the sexual division of labor and the contemporary transformations of the organization of Senegalese families encourage young men to emigrate; (2) how do gendered attributions and roles, specifically motherhood, spur women to participate in the movement; (3) how do gendered identities contribute to frame their protest against a variety of issues.

Read more at: http://gtu.dk/Boat_people.pdf