

Arrangør: N/A

Foredrag: Stephen Duncombe om kreativ aktivisme

TID: Onsdag den 21. maj kl. 19-21

STED: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N.

TILMELDING: På facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/483237578476164

TID: Onsdag den 21. maj kl. 19-21

STED: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N.

TILMELDING: På facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/483237578476164

Stephen Duncombe, professor at New York University, is visiting Denmark and is joining us for an evening event to discuss his thoughts on creative activism. Stephen is a life-long political activist and co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism and he will explore how politics is connected to culture, emotions and creativity.

Creative protest is nothing new, but in recent years activist artistry has been taken to a whole new level. Join MS for an evening of inspiration and discussion of how the intersection of art and activism can engage new audiences and challenge powerful institutions.


19.00-19.15 – Introduction by Maja Andersen, MS ActionAid
Maja, campaigner at MS, will introduce MS ActionAid and share a few examples of how the organisation has used creative activism in Denmark.

19.15-20.30 – Stephen Duncombe
Stephen will start with an exercise that challenges participants to think back on the first moment they got politicized. He will also introduce some of the core ideas from his book Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy and discuss concrete examples of creative activism.

20.30-21.00 – Open discussion
The last part of the evening provides a space for discussion where people can share viewpoints and experiences.