Tid: 23/11/2015 10:45 til 23/11/2015 12:30

Sted: Copenhagen Business School, Kilen, lokale Ks43, KIlevej 14 A og B (nærmeste metro Fasanvej), Frederiksberg

Arrangør: N/A

Forelæsning om mobilens velsignelser i Bangladesh

Pivotal digital – The founder and director emeritus of MIT Legatum Center at the Sloan School, Iqbal Quad, conceived, organized, and built successful commercial ventures that have economically lifted up millions in low-income countries.

His lecture will contain insights that led to these ventures.

Iqbal Quad will also draw on his first-hand experience in implementing them and show how other new digital ventures continue to emerge in low-income countries empowering the average person.

About the Speaker

In the early 1990s, Iqbal Quadir advanced the radical idea of introducing mobile phones throughout Bangladesh, including its rural areas that, at the time, generally lacked almost all modern infrastructures.

After five years of persuading, planning, and organizing, his vision was launched in 1997 through Grameenphone, a company that now serves 55 million subscribers. 

In 2010, Quadir helped found bKash, which allows Bangalis to safely send and receive money via mobile devices. bKash currently serves 20 million subscribers and executes about a billion financial transactions annually in Bangladesh.

Quadir has been promoting his philosophy in boardrooms and classrooms; in the world’s poorest and richest nations; as an author, editor, and speaker; and as the subject of newspaper, magazine, and book profiles.

After teaching at Harvard’s Kennedy School for four years, Quadir joined MIT in 2005. He founded The Legatum Center in 2007 where he trained 200 entrepreneurial MIT students to pursue their own ventures in low-income countries.

He also co-founded and co-edits Innovations, a journal that has focused on entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges for the past decade. 

About Kapuscinski Development Lectures

Top global thinkers discuss development in the European Union countries.

The series “Kapuscinski Development Lectures”, named after Ryszard Kapuscinski, a polish reporter and writer (1932-2007) who covered developing countries, is organized jointly by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme and partner universities and development think-tanks.

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Over 50 lectures gathered since 2009 over 10,000 participants. In October 2014 – December 2015 the lectures organised in all EU member states contribute specifically to development policy debates as part of the European Year for Development 2015.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Jan Szczycinski, Communications Specialist, Project Manager
Kapuscinski Development Lectures, UNDP Regional Centre
mobil + 48 609 458 216
e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://kapuscinskilectures.eu 

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