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TID: Onsdag d. 18 februar, kl. 10 til 12

STED: Aarhus Universitet, Konference-værelse 1, DTM Bygning 1650, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4 (benyt indgangen til Dale’s Café – inde i bygningen går man til højre og ned ad trappen.

Development aid started in the 1960s and today it amounts to app 150 billion (milliarder) US dollar.

TID: Onsdag d. 18 februar, kl. 10 til 12

STED: Aarhus Universitet, Konference-værelse 1, DTM Bygning 1650, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4 (benyt indgangen til Dale’s Café – inde i bygningen går man til højre og ned ad trappen.

Development aid started in the 1960s and today it amounts to app 150 billion (milliarder) US dollar.

This is about 0.3% of the GDP of the rich donor countries, but it is about 7% of the GDP of the poor recipient countries.

The stated purpose from the beginning was that it should help poor countries develop, but it is remar kably difficult to show that it actually does.

Therefore a large discussion regarding the usefulness of development aid has taken place, and the goals of the aid have also widened.

And here Denmark proves to be an illustrative example.

Denmark gives aid to improve the climate of poor countries, and it has also given about a billion DKR to promote democracy in the Arab world.

However, most economists still think that the original purpose is the key one.

More than 200 papers have tried to show that aid does promote development.

Professor Martin Paldam from the Department of Economics and Business at Aarhus University has surveyed the literature and will talk about his findings at this UIC event.