Tid: 02/11/2016 14:30 til 02/11/2016 17:00

Sted: CBS, Porcelænshaven 18B, stueetagen, room 0.23, Frederiksberg

Arrangør: N/A

Forskning i at gøre u-landene mere effektive

Does Capacity development strengthen development research and vice versa? And do they sometimes become obstacles to each other?

In relation to the ongoing discussions about the form, role and content of Danish Development Research, the AGM seminar of FAU aims to shed light on some of these key issues.

On the basis on three presentations, we hope to have an engaged debate between the panelists and the participants.

We hope that the discussion can inspire both the ongoing work about FFU funding, future partnerships and research applications.


14.40-15.00: What do we actually do when we undertake capacity development? By Hanne Kirstine Adriansen, DPU, AU

15.00-15.20: Outcome of individually focused capacity development, by Lene Møller Madsen, DSE, KU

15.20-15.40: Learnings from Project management in North-South research capacity development projects, by Carsten Nico Hjortsøe, IFRO, KU

15.40-16.00: Short break with refreshments