Tid: 14/12/2023 17:30 til 14/12/2023 19:00

Sted: Solidaritetshuset, Griffenfeldsgade 41, 2200 København N

Arrangør: The Central America Committee or in Danish: Mellemamerika Komiteen (MAK)

Guatemala: Understanding the rise of a slow-motion dictatorship

Join us for a captivating evening as we welcome journalist Pia Flores. Our special guest will share a firsthand account of Guatemala’s political situation, shedding light on the profound shifts that indicate the rise of a dictatorship in slow motion. Furthermore, Pia will provide unique insights into the daily challenges she faces as a journalist working in Guatemala’s evolving political landscape.

Learn about Guatemala’s current complex political landscapes and power struggles, and how journalists are navigating an environment where freedom of the press is tested. Gain a deep understanding of the effects of political pressures, censorship, and the subtle threats that influence the media landscape. Discover the intricacies of reporting in an environment where political dynamics are rapidly changing and explore the critical role journalists play in safeguarding democracy.

Q&A Session included

Following Flores’s talk, engage in a Q&A session where you can pose your questions and delve deeper into the complexities of Guatemala’s political scene.

The event will be held in English.

Delicious coffee, te and biscuits will be served.

We look forward to seeing you!